
it2022-05-05  164

在安装vmware-tools for linux时,如果是在安装没结束时通过[ctrl]+[c]的,当再次运行./vmware-install.pl想重新安装时就会出现如下的错误: [root@node1 vmware-tools-distrib]# ./vmware-install.pl A previous installation of VMware software has been detected. The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 3). Keeping the tar3 installer database format. Uninstalling the tar installation of VMware Tools. Skipping VMware Tools services shutdown on the host: [ OK ] Unable to find the answer LIBDIR in the installer database (/etc/vmware-tools/locations). You may want to re-install VMware Tools. Execution aborted. Failure Execution aborted.

解决方法: 首先获取root权限 获取列表,看到/etc下有vmware-tools 输入rm -rf vmware-tools删除该文件后,再调用列表查看,就没有vmware-tools文件了
