unity 任意局部区域截图 Texture2D.ReadPixels解决ReadPixels outside of RenderTexture bounds! 问题

it2022-05-05  232

错误信息:[d3d11] attempting to ReadPixels outside of RenderTexture bounds! Reading (7000, 340, 8000, 740) from (1920, 1080)

额,还是Texture2D.ReadPixels 参数问题:


IEnumerator getScreenTexture(RectTransform rectT) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Texture2D t = new Texture2D((int) rectT.rect.width, (int)rectT.rect.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, true);//需要正确设置好图片保存格式 float x = rectT.localPosition.x+ (Screen.width - rectT.rect.width )/ 2; float y = rectT.localPosition.y + ( Screen.height- rectT.rect.height) / 2; Rect position = new Rect(x, y, rectT.rect.width, rectT.rect.height); t.ReadPixels(position, 0, 0, true);//按照设定区域读取像素;注意是以左下角为原点读取 t.Apply(); //二进制转换 byte[] byt = t.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + Time.time + ".png", byt); Debug.Log(Application.dataPath + Time.time + ".png"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.dataPath + Time.time + ".png"); }

