carafe 上采样

it2024-04-20  6



80 128 26 26 p100 500 ms



import time import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from collections import OrderedDict class KernelPredeictionModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channel, channel_cm=64, kernel_up=5, kernel_encoder=3, enlarge_rate=2): super(KernelPredeictionModule,self).__init__() self.input_channel = input_channel self.channel_cm = channel_cm self.kernel_up = kernel_up self.kernel_encoder = kernel_encoder self.enlarge_rate = enlarge_rate self.channel_compressor = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([ ("compressor_conv" , nn.Conv2d(self.input_channel, self.channel_cm,1)), ("compressor_bn" , nn.BatchNorm2d(self.channel_cm)), ("compressor_relu" , nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) ]) ) self.context_encoder = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([ ("encoder_conv" , nn.Conv2d(self.channel_cm, self.enlarge_rate*self.enlarge_rate*self.kernel_up*self.kernel_up,# rate^2*kup^2 self.kernel_encoder,padding=int((self.kernel_encoder-1)/2))), ("encoder_bn" , nn.BatchNorm2d(self.enlarge_rate*self.enlarge_rate*self.kernel_up*self.kernel_up)), ("encoder_relu" , nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) ]) ) self.kernel_normalizer = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) def forward(self, x): b,c,w,h = x.shape x = self.channel_compressor(x) x = self.context_encoder(x) x = x.view(b,self.kernel_up*self.kernel_up,self.enlarge_rate*w,self.enlarge_rate*h)# batch*(kup^2)*(rate*w)*(rate*h) x = self.kernel_normalizer(x) return x class Carafe(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channel, channel_cm=64, kernel_up=5, kernel_encoder=3, enlarge_rate=2): """ The Carafe upsample model(unoffical) :param input_channel: The channel of input :param channel_cm: The channel of Cm, paper give this parameter 64 :param kernel_up: The kernel up, paper give this parameter 5 :param kernel_encoder:The kernel encoder, paper suggest it kernel_up-2, so 3 here :param enlarge_rate: The enlarge rate , your rate for upsample (2x usually) """ super(Carafe, self).__init__() self.kernel_up = kernel_up self.enlarge_rate = enlarge_rate self.KPModule = KernelPredeictionModule(input_channel,channel_cm,kernel_up,kernel_encoder,enlarge_rate) def forward(self, x): # KernelPredeictionModule : cost 0.7175s kpresult = self.KPModule(x) # (b,kup*kup,e_w,e_h) ############Context-aware Reassembly Module######################## ######## Step1 formal_pic deal : cost 0.1164s x_mat = self.generate_kup_mat(x) ######## Step2 kernel deal : cost 0.001s channel = x.shape[1] w_mat = self.repeat_kernel(kpresult,channel) ######## Step3 kernel mul : cost 0.0009s output = torch.mul(x_mat,w_mat) ######## Step4 sum the kup dim : cost 0.0002s output = torch.sum(output, dim=2) return output def generate_kup_mat(self,x): """ generate the mat matrix, make a new dim kup for mul :param x:(batch,channel,w,h) :return: (batch,channel,kup*kup,enlarged_w,enlarged_h) """ batch, channel, w ,h = x.shape # stride to sample r = int(self.kernel_up / 2) # pad the x to stride pad = F.pad(x, (r, r, r, r)) x_mat = torch.zeros((batch, channel, self.kernel_up**2 , w, h)).cuda() for i in range(w): for j in range(h): pad_x = i + r pad_y = j + r x_mat[:, :, :, i, j] = pad[:, :, pad_x - r:pad_x + r + 1, pad_y - r:pad_y + r + 1]\ .reshape(batch, channel, -1) x_mat = x_mat.repeat(1, 1, 1, self.enlarge_rate, self.enlarge_rate) # each part of the stride part the same! return x_mat def repeat_kernel(self,weight,channel): """ Generate the channel dim for the weight repeat the Kernel Prediction Module output for channel times, and it can be mul just like the depth-width conv (The repeat on the batch dim) :param weight: (batch,kup*kup,enlarged_w,enlarged_h) :param channel: the channel num to repeat :return: (batch,channel,kup*kup,enlarged_w,enlarged_h) """ batch, kup_2, w, h = weight.shape # copy the channel in batch w_mat = torch.stack([i.expand(channel, kup_2, w, h) for i in weight]) # each channel in batch is the same! # print(torch.equal(w_mat[0, 0, ...], w_mat[0, 1, ...])) return w_mat if __name__ == '__main__': import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = '0' model = Carafe(input_channel=128,channel_cm=64).cuda() x = torch.rand((80,128,26,26)).cuda() for i in range(20): start_time = time.time() out = nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) # out = model(x) print("time cost",time.time()-start_time,out.shape)

