Preload Css hover Images with Javascript

it2024-10-16  4

Source: Preload Css hover Images with Javascript

Why we need to preload css hover images? It is for the userability. Why we need to preload css hover images by Javascript? It is easy to implement and maintenance. below is the sample css class for a image button.

.button {      background-image : url(../images/button.jpg) ; } .button:hover {      background-image : url(../images/button_ro.jpg) ; }

If you did not preload "button_ro.jpg", the button will disappear for a while untill the "button_ro.jpg" is loaded, when user mouse over the button.

Yes, you can hard code to preload the "button_ro.jpg" in <body οnlοad="....">, but it is not a good idea, and It is hard to maintenance. So the idea is to use Javascript to preload the images and only the Hover images. So in this example it is only preload "button_ro.jpg".

How to achive this? The idea is use javascript to parse the css for current page, find the hover images and preload it. Below is the Javascript function:


var preloadCssImages = {     imgUrls: [],     divPreImages: null ,          Load: function () {          this .parseCSS(document.styleSheets);     },          InitPreImageDiv: function () {          this .divPreImages = document.createElement( " div " );          this = " none " ;          this = " hidden " ;         document.body.appendChild( this .divPreImages);     },          inArray: function ( elem, array ) {          for ( var i = 0 , length = array.length; i < length; i ++ )              if ( array[ i ] === elem )                  return i;          return - 1 ;     },          parseCSS: function (sheets) {          var w3cImport = -1;     },          parseCSS: function(sheets) {         var w3cImport = false,             imported = [],             importedSrc = [],             baseURL;         var sheetIndex = sheets.length;         while(sheetIndex--){//loop through each stylesheet             var cssPile = '';//create large string of all css rules in sheet             var csshref = (sheets[sheetIndex].href) ? sheets[sheetIndex].href : 'window.location.href';             var baseURLarr = csshref.split('/');//split href at / to make array             baseURLarr.pop();//remove file path from baseURL array             baseURL = baseURLarr.join('/');//create base url for the images in this sheet (css file's dir)             if (baseURL) {                 baseURL += '/'; //tack on a / if needed             }             if(sheets[sheetIndex].cssRules || sheets[sheetIndex].rules){                 thisSheetRules = (sheets[sheetIndex].cssRules) ? //->>>                     sheets[sheetIndex].cssRules : //w3                     sheets[sheetIndex].rules; //ie                 var ruleIndex = thisSheetRules.length;                 while(ruleIndex--){                     if(thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].style && thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].style.cssText){                         var text = thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].style.cssText;                         if(thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].selectorText.indexOf('hover') != -1) { //only add hover class....                             if(text.toLowerCase().indexOf('url') != -1){ // only add rules to the string if you can assume, to find an image, speed improvement                                 cssPile += text; // thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].style.cssText instead of thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].cssText is a huge speed improvement                             }                         }                     } else if(thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].styleSheet) {                         imported.push(thisSheetRules[ruleIndex].styleSheet);                         w3cImport = true;                     }                                      }             }             //parse cssPile for image urls             var tmpImage = cssPile.match(/[^\("]+\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)/g);             //reg ex to get a string of between a "(" and a ".filename" / '"' for opera-bugfix             if(tmpImage){                 var i = tmpImage.length;                 while(i--){ // handle baseUrl here for multiple stylesheets in different folders bug                     var imgSrc = (tmpImage[i].charAt(0) == '/' || tmpImage[i].match('://')) ? // protocol-bug fixed                         tmpImage[i] :                         baseURL + tmpImage[i];                                          if(this.inArray(imgSrc, this.imgUrls) == -1){                         this.imgUrls.push(imgSrc);                     }                 }             }             if(!w3cImport && sheets[sheetIndex].imports && sheets[sheetIndex].imports.length) {                 for(var iImport = 0, importLen = sheets[sheetIndex].imports.length; iImport < importLen; iImport++){                     var iHref = sheets[sheetIndex].imports[iImport].href;                     iHref = iHref.split('/');                     iHref.pop();                     iHref = iHref.join('/');                     if (iHref) {                         iHref += '/'; //tack on a / if needed                     }                     var iSrc = (iHref.charAt(0) == '/' || iHref.match('://')) ? // protocol-bug fixed                         iHref :                         baseURL + iHref;                                          importedSrc.push(iSrc);                     imported.push(sheets[sheetIndex].imports[iImport]);                 }             }         }//loop         if(imported.length){             parseCSS(imported, importedSrc);             return false;         }         if( this.imgUrls && this.imgUrls.length > 0 ) {             this.InitPreImageDiv();             this.loadImgs();         }     },          loadImgs: function(){         if(this.imgUrls && this.imgUrls.length){             for ( var i = 0, length = this.imgUrls.length; i < length; i++ )             {                 var img = new Image(); //new img obj                 img.src = this.imgUrls[i];    //set src either absolute or rel to css dir                 this.divPreImages.appendChild(img);             }         }         } };


How to use this:

just call: preloadCssImages.Load(); after your page loaded.

