今天下午在测试自己做的多媒体播放器时,发现在全屏状态下,输入框无法接受输入操作,原来以为是自己程序的BUG,试图在代码中控制焦点。反复调试都没成功,最后在网上查阅,发现很多人遇到了相同的问题。才知道原因:FlashPlayer 9在SWF全屏状态下,屏蔽了键盘操作(除了ESC键),AIR模式全屏下没有屏蔽键盘输入的情况;Flash Player 10 允许了更多的键盘操作(There is only support for “Tab, the Spacebar, and the (up, down, left, right) arrow keys”)。
End-user security was a key consideration in the implementation of this feature, and developers need to understand the following end-user, security-related restrictions and design content accordingly:
To enable full-screen mode, developers must add a new <object> and <embed> tag parameter, allowFullScreen, to their HTML. This parameter defaults to false, or not allowing full screen. To allow full-screen, developers must set allowFullScreen to true in their <object>/<embed> tags.An overlay dialog box will appear when the movie enters full-screen mode, instructing the user how to exit and return to normal mode. The dialog box appears for a few seconds and then fades out.The ActionScript that initiates full-screen mode can be called only in response to a mouse click or keypress. If it is called in other situations, it will be ignored (in ActionScript 2.0) or throw an exception (in ActionScript 3.0).Users cannot enter text in text input fields while in full-screen mode. All keyboard input and key-related ActionScript is disabled while in full-screen mode, with the exception of the keyboard shortcuts that take the viewer out of full-screen mode.The user can disable full-screen mode for all Flash movies by adding a setting to the Flash Player configuration file mms.cfg. The file is described in the TechNote, IT Administration: Configuring Flash Player Auto-Update Notification. Add the line: FullScreenDisable=1 to the mms.cfg file to disable full-screen mode. ”From:http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/full_screen_mode.html
"If you're okay with using AIR instead of Flex you can run in full-screen mode with full keyboard input enabled:Setting the displayState property of the Stage to StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE places the window in full-screen mode, and keyboard input is permitted in this mode. (In SWF content running in a browser, keyboard input is not permitted). To exit full-screen mode, the user presses the Escape key. "
《Flash 10 Security Changes Good and Bad, Mostly Good (Full Screen Input, RTMFP, Clipboard, Local Save and Load)》这是很好的一篇相关文章,有兴趣的朋友可以看一下。链接:http://drawlogic.com/2008/09/28/flash-10-changes-good-and-bad-mostly-good-full-screen-input-rtmfp-clipboard-local-save-and-load/ 因为文章真的很好,我会在下一篇随笔中全文转载!