Confirm.as package { import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.utils.Timer; import mx.containers.Canvas; import mx.containers.ControlBar; import mx.containers.Panel; import mx.controls.Button; import mx.controls.Text; [Event(name="confirm", type="flash.events.Event")] [Event(name="cancel", type="flash.events.Event")] public class Confirm extends Canvas { public var panel:Panel; public var controlBar:ControlBar public var okButton:Button; public var cancelButton:Button; [Bindable] public var panelWidth:int; [Bindable] public var panelHeight:int; [Bindable] public var title:String; [Bindable] public var text:String; [Bindable] public var okButtonLabel:String = "OK"; [Bindable] public var cancelButtonLabel:String = "OK"; public var timerCount:int; private var timer:Timer; /** * A pop up window that acts as a confirmation window with a coutdown timer before * the user is allowed to click OK. The idea behind this was to help force a user * to read the notice being displayed. * * @title String The title of the pop-up panel * @text String The text in the body of the pop-up * @timeout int Number of seconds before the user can click OK * @width int width of the pop-up panel * @height int height of the pop-up panel * * @event confirm This event is thrown when the user clicks OK * @event cancel This event is thrown when the user clicks Cancel */ public function Confirm(title:String="Confirmation", text:String="Are You Sure?", timeout:int=5, width:int=355, height:int=165) { super(); this.percentWidth = 100; this.percentHeight = 100; this.timerCount = timeout; this.panelWidth = width; this.panelHeight = height; this.title = title; this.text = text; this.setStyle("backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"); this.setStyle("backgroundAlpha", ".75"); panel = new Panel(); panel.title = this.title; panel.width = this.panelWidth; panel.height = this.panelHeight; panel.layout = "vertical"; panel.setStyle("borderAlpha", 1); panel.setStyle("horizontalCenter", 0); panel.setStyle("verticalCenter", 0); panel.setStyle("verticalScrollPolicy", "off"); panel.setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off"); panel.setStyle("paddingTop", 5); panel.setStyle("paddingLeft", 5); panel.setStyle("paddingBottom", 5); panel.setStyle("paddingRight", 5); panel.setStyle("verticalAlign", "middle"); panel.setStyle("horizontalAlign", "left"); var dsp_text:Text = new Text(); dsp_text.percentWidth = 100; dsp_text.percentHeight = 100; dsp_text.setStyle("fontSize", "11"); dsp_text.text = this.text; controlBar = new ControlBar(); controlBar.setStyle("horizontalAlign", "center"); cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.label = "Cancel"; cancelButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCancel); okButton = new Button(); okButton.width = 136; okButton.label = "OK"; okButton.enabled = false; okButton.setStyle("disabledColor", "#888888") okButton.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, startTimer); okButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickOK); controlBar.addChild(cancelButton); controlBar.addChild(okButton); panel.addChild(dsp_text); panel.addChild(controlBar); this.addChild(panel); } private function startTimer(event:Event):void { this.okButton.enabled = false; if (this.timer == null) { this.timer = new Timer(1000, timerCount); this.timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timeoutCounter); } else { this.timer.reset() } this.okButton.label = "OK (please wait " + timerCount + ")"; this.timer.start(); } private function timeoutCounter(event:TimerEvent):void { var timeLeft:int = timer.repeatCount - timer.currentCount; if (timeLeft) { this.okButton.label = "OK (please wait " + timeLeft + ")"; } else { this.okButton.enabled = true; this.okButton.label = "OK"; } } private function clickOK(event:MouseEvent):void { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("confirm")); } private function clickCancel(event:MouseEvent):void { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("cancel")); } }}