
it2024-11-07  22

Summarizing Text with Amazon Reviews 数据集:Amazon 500000评论




浏览数据集 将少量的含有缺失值的记录和其他属性dropout


全部转换成小写连词转换去停用词(只在描述中去掉)去除特殊字符https?:\/\/.*[\r\n]*\<a href[_"\-;%()|+&=*%.,!?:#$@\[\]/] re.sub(r'https?:\/\/.*[\r\n]*\<a href[_"\-;%()|+&=*%.,!?:#$@\[\]/]`', ' ', text) 连词转换: “can’t’ve”: “cannot have”, “'cause”: “because”, “could’ve”: “could have”, # 统计不重复的词的个数 def count_words(count_dict, text): '''Count the number of occurrences of each word in a set of text''' for sentence in text: for word in sentence.split(): if word not in count_dict: count_dict[word] = 1 else: count_dict[word] += 1 # Find the number of times each word was used and the size of the vocabulary word_counts = {} count_words(word_counts, clean_summaries) print("Size of Vocabulary:", len(word_counts)) count_words(word_counts, clean_texts) print("Size of Vocabulary:", len(word_counts))

OUT: Size of Vocabulary: 33809 Size of Vocabulary: 132884


格式:[0]为单词 ,[1:]为向量 /c/en/absolute_value -0.0847 -0.1316 -0.0800 -0.0708 -0.2514 -0.1687 -…


embeddings_index = {} with open('numberbatch-en-17.04b.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: values = line.split(' ') word = values[0] embedding = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32') embeddings_index[word] = embedding



Number of words missing from CN: 3866 Percent of words that are missing from vocabulary: 2.91%

现将词频大于20的构建数字和单词的映射,方便计算机理解。 将标识符也加入词汇中,开始、PAD、unknow和结束符号

codes = ["<UNK>","<PAD>","<EOS>","<GO>"]

int_to_vocab: vocab_to_int: 做好词语和数字的映射之后,再将每一个语句中的单词转换为数字形式:有些词如词频小于20、还没有过滤掉的则替换为’unknown’

def convert_to_ints(text, word_count, unk_count, eos=False): '''Convert words in text to an integer. If word is not in vocab_to_int, use UNK's integer. ’unknown‘ Total the number of words and UNKs. Add EOS token to the end of texts''' ints = [] for sentence in text: sentence_ints = [] for word in sentence.split(): word_count += 1 if word in vocab_to_int: sentence_ints.append(vocab_to_int[word]) else: sentence_ints.append(vocab_to_int["<UNK>"]) unk_count += 1 if eos: sentence_ints.append(vocab_to_int["<EOS>"]) ints.append(sentence_ints) return ints, word_count, unk_count

得到数字表示的句子: 为了更能清晰的观察数据,将每个句子的长度转换DataFrame,再用describe函数查看具体情况 查看%90、95、99分位的数值 现在再对句子进行一次过滤,

1、对summaries和text过滤: 一句话中unk太多,设定阈值过滤一些句子2、对summaries和text的长度排序,只取%90分位以下的长度值即可 sorted_summaries = [] sorted_texts = [] max_text_length = 84 max_summary_length = 13 min_length = 2 unk_text_limit = 1 unk_summary_limit = 0 for length in range(min(lengths_texts.counts), max_text_length): for count, words in enumerate(int_summaries): if (len(int_summaries[count]) >= min_length and len(int_summaries[count]) <= max_summary_length and len(int_texts[count]) >= min_length and unk_counter(int_summaries[count]) <= unk_summary_limit and unk_counter(int_texts[count]) <= unk_text_limit and length == len(int_texts[count]) ): sorted_summaries.append(int_summaries[count])



Bidirectional RNNs(双向网络)的改进之处便是,假设当前的输出(第t步的输出)不仅仅与前面的序列有关,并且还与后面的序列有关。

例如:预测一个语句中缺失的词语那么就需要根据上下文来进行预测。Bidirectional RNNs是一个相对较简单的RNNs,是由两个RNNs上下叠加在一起组成的。输出由这两个RNNs的隐藏层的状态决定的




def process_encoding_input(target_data, vocab_to_int, batch_size): '''Remove the last word id from each batch and concat the <GO> to the begining of each batch''' ending = tf.strided_slice(target_data, [0, 0], [batch_size, -1], [1, 1]) dec_input = tf.concat([tf.fill([batch_size, 1], vocab_to_int['<GO>']), ending], 1) return dec_input



动态双向RNN,输出enc_output, enc_state

def encoding_layer(rnn_size, sequence_length, num_layers, rnn_inputs, keep_prob): '''Create the encoding layer''' for layer in range(num_layers): with tf.variable_scope('encoder_{}'.format(layer)): cell_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(rnn_size, initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.1, 0.1, seed=2)) cell_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell_fw, input_keep_prob = keep_prob) cell_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(rnn_size, initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.1, 0.1, seed=2)) cell_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell_bw, input_keep_prob = keep_prob) enc_output, enc_state = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw, cell_bw, rnn_inputs, sequence_length,# 一个batchSize的大小 dtype=tf.float32) # Join outputs since we are using a bidirectional RNN enc_output = tf.concat(enc_output,2) return enc_output, enc_state


1、训练:training_decoding_layer: tf.contrib.seq2seq. TrainingHelper BasicDecoder dynamic_decode 2、测试:inference_decoding_layer tf.contrib.seq2seq. GreedyEmbeddingHelper BasicDecoder dynamic_decode


LSTMCell BahdanauAttention AttentionWrapper with tf.variable_scope("decode"): training_logits = training_decoding_layer(dec_embed_input, summary_length, dec_cell, initial_state, output_layer, vocab_size, max_summary_length) with tf.variable_scope("decode", reuse=True): inference_logits = inference_decoding_layer(embeddings, vocab_to_int['<GO>'], vocab_to_int['<EOS>'], dec_cell, initial_state, output_layer, max_summary_length, batch_size)



(6)Graph built

get_batches 得到batch pad_sentence_batch 将长度不够的句子用’PAD‘补齐 tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss tf.train.AdamOptimizer