WW学习研究虽没像以前那样专注,但也还是时不时关注一下的,前段时间看到3D Cross Section插件,感觉很惊奇,就想研究一下,没想到自已一拖再拖,现在才准备写点东西。
3D Cross Section插件主要是提取WW中当前视图的地形数据和影像数据,然后在新的窗口TerrainViewer中显示。也就是提取一部分三维在新的窗体里重点显示。功能就简单一说,3D Cross Section插件中实现提取WW数据的插件部分我们下次再说,我这次主要是关注TerrainViewer的实现。
// Drag drop this .AllowDrop = true ; //允许窗口拖放 //注册拖放开始事件 this .DragEnter += new DragEventHandler( this .OnDragEnter); //注册拖放处理事件 this .DragDrop += new DragEventHandler( this .OnDragDrop);看看this.OnDragEnter和this.OnDragDrop事件处理中都分别做了什么。
// File drop handling private void OnDragEnter( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; // set the cursor to show a drop copy }上面的代码里主要是告诉,拖放的目的和效果是COPY。从下面的截图中,可以看到各种各种拖放效果。
private void OnDragDrop( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e) { string theFile; try { // check to make sure the dropped item is of type FileDrop if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { //获取拖放数据 object filename = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); //这里是数组,说明支持多选文件的同时拖放 theFile = ( string )((System.Array)filename).GetValue( 0 ); // Create map from file // MessageBox.Show("Dropped file : " + theFile); //获取拖放文件的后缀名 string ext = Path.GetExtension(theFile); string sky = skyFileName == null ? "" : skyFileName; string tex = textureFileName == null ? "" : textureFileName; if ( ! tex.StartsWith( " colors " )) tex = " colors/Geo_Water_1.png " ; //根据不同的文件类型,分别处理 switch (ext) { case " .jpg " : break ; case " .png " : // Load terrain from 8bit .png DisposeMap(); terrainFileName = theFile; skyFileName = sky; textureFileName = tex; mapName = terrainFileName; mapSpan = 0 ; mapWidth = 0 ; dem16 = false ; verticalFactor = 1.0f ; LoadMap(); break ; case " .bil " : // Load terrain from 16bit SRTM binary .bil DisposeMap(); terrainFileName = theFile; skyFileName = sky; textureFileName = tex; mapName = terrainFileName; mapSpan = 0 ; mapWidth = 0 ; dem16 = true ; verticalFactor = 1.0f ; LoadMap(); break ; case " .xml " : // Load map list from .xml DisposeMap(); mapListFileName = theFile; InitializeMapList(); // Create Map menu from .xml MapMenuSelectMap( 0 ); // Load first map break ; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
private Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Device keyb; //完成输入设备(键盘)对象的初始化 public void InitializeKeyboard() { keyb = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Device(SystemGuid.Keyboard); keyb.SetCooperativeLevel( this , CooperativeLevelFlags.Background | CooperativeLevelFlags.NonExclusive); keyb.Acquire(); }
DirectX键盘监听实现 private void ReadKeyboard() { //获取键盘所以按键状态 KeyboardState keys = keyb.GetCurrentKeyboardState(); //通过 keys[Key.LeftShift]方式 获取SHIFT键是否按下 bool shift = keys[Key.LeftShift] || keys[Key.RightShift]; bool ctrl = keys[Key.LeftControl] || keys[Key.RightControl]; double moveFactor = dist * 0.01f ; // Toggle Light if (keys[Key.L] && ! shift && ! ctrl) { showLight = true ; menuItemShowLight.Checked = showLight; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.L] && shift && ! ctrl) { showLight = false ; menuItemShowLight.Checked = showLight; redraw = true ; } // Create/delete light map if (keys[Key.L] && ! shift && ctrl) { if (textureFileName.IndexOf( " colors " ) == - 1 ) // only on textured maps { if (lightMapTexture != null ) lightMapTexture.Dispose(); lightMapTexture = null ; this .Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; lightMapTexture = LightMap(device, DEM, 1 ); this .Cursor = Cursors.Default; redraw = true ; } } if (keys[Key.L] && shift && ctrl) { if (lightMapTexture != null ) lightMapTexture.Dispose(); lightMapTexture = null ; redraw = true ; } // Create/delete section mesh if (keys[Key.S] && ! shift && ! ctrl) { if (sectionMesh != null ) sectionMesh.Dispose(); sectionMesh = null ; showSection = true ; sectionMesh = TerrainSection(device, DEM); showTransparentTerrain = true ; menuItemShowSection.Checked = showSection; redraw = true ; } //按下S键+shift键 if (keys[Key.S] && shift && ! ctrl) { if (sectionMesh != null ) sectionMesh.Dispose(); sectionMesh = null ; showSection = false ; showTransparentTerrain = false ; menuItemShowSection.Checked = showSection; redraw = true ; } // Toggle Fog if (keys[Key.F] && ! shift) { showFog = true ; menuItemShowFog.Checked = showFog; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.F] && shift) { showFog = false ; menuItemShowFog.Checked = showFog; redraw = true ; } // Toggle map spin if (keys[Key.Space]) { spin = false ; menuItemShowSpin.Checked = spin; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.Return]) { spin = true ; menuItemShowSpin.Checked = spin; redraw = true ; } // Rotate map if (keys[Key.RightArrow] && ! shift) { angle -= 0.02f ; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.LeftArrow] && ! shift) { angle += 0.02f ; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.UpArrow] && shift) { angle2 += 0.02f ; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.DownArrow] && shift) { angle2 -= 0.02f ; redraw = true ; } // Move map if (keys[Key.RightArrow] && shift) { dx -= ( float )(Math.Sin(angle) * moveFactor); dy -= ( float )(Math.Cos(angle) * moveFactor); redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.LeftArrow] && shift) { dx += ( float )(Math.Sin(angle) * moveFactor); dy += ( float )(Math.Cos(angle) * moveFactor); redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.UpArrow] && ! shift) { dx -= ( float )(Math.Cos(angle) * moveFactor); dy += ( float )(Math.Sin(angle) * moveFactor); redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.DownArrow] && ! shift) { dx += ( float )(Math.Cos(angle) * moveFactor); dy -= ( float )(Math.Sin(angle) * moveFactor); redraw = true ; } // Change Distance if (keys[Key.NumPadPlus] && ! shift && ! ctrl) { dist -= dist * 0.02f ; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.NumPadMinus] && ! shift && ! ctrl) { dist += dist * 0.02f ; redraw = true ; } // Change FOV if (keys[Key.NumPadPlus] && shift && ! ctrl) { fov -= 0.01f ; redraw = true ; } if (keys[Key.NumPadMinus] && shift && ! ctrl) { fov += 0.01f ; redraw = true ; } // Change alt scale factor (vert exaggeration) if ((keys[Key.X] || keys[Key.NumPadPlus]) && ! shift && ctrl) { verticalFactor *= 1.3333f ; MenuClearCheck(menuItemVerticalFactor); menuItemVerticalFactor.MenuItems[ 0 ].Text = " x " + verticalFactor.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); menuItemVerticalFactor.MenuItems[ 0 ].Checked = true ; this .Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Rebuilt terrain mesh DisposeTerrainMesh(); BuildTerrainMesh(); if (sidesMesh != null ) sidesMesh.Dispose(); sidesMesh = TerrainSides(device, DEM); this .Cursor = Cursors.Default; redraw = true ; } if ((keys[Key.Z] || keys[Key.NumPadMinus]) && ! shift && ctrl) { verticalFactor *= 0.75f ; MenuClearCheck(menuItemVerticalFactor); menuItemVerticalFactor.MenuItems[ 0 ].Text = " x " + verticalFactor.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); menuItemVerticalFactor.MenuItems[ 0 ].Checked = true ; this .Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Rebuilt terrain mesh DisposeTerrainMesh(); BuildTerrainMesh(); if (sidesMesh != null ) sidesMesh.Dispose(); sidesMesh = TerrainSides(device, DEM); this .Cursor = Cursors.Default; redraw = true ; } }
// Read keyboard if(this.Focused) ReadKeyboard();
再者,讲一些TerrainViewer的核心实现,即Direct3D编程方面。这个TerrainViewer虽然很小,总共只要三千多行代码,但这该说“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”,我称TerrainViewer是Mini版的WorldWind一点不过分,它完全拥有了WW的核心实现:Direct3D编程和地理坐标转换。Direct3D编程如果想写好是有点难,但是要实现Direct3D编程还是不难的,因为所有的Direct3D编程的套路都是一样的,简直是工厂流水线式的。大的基本步骤为Device基本参数设置和Device初始化——》构建Mesh集合——》设置Texture——》绘制渲染参数设置——》渲染。真正的难点是构建Mesh集合,就是三维建模吧!最后渲染过程是在OnPaint()事件里实现的,这里一般会在最后调用 this.Invalidate();实现不断刷新界面实现不断重绘。
else // No redraw { device.BeginScene(); device.EndScene(); device.Present(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); }
string filePath = GetFullPathTo(terrainFileName); if (Path.GetExtension(terrainFileName) != " .bil " ) { DEM = new Bitmap(filePath); // .jpg, .png dem16 = false ; } else { DEM = BitmapFromBil(filePath); // .bil dem16 = true ; }
// Converts a .bil elevation data file into a Bitmap object private Bitmap BitmapFromBil( string bilFile) { int width = 150 ; // default size int height = 150 ; // Bitmap DEM; using ( Stream s = File.OpenRead(bilFile)) { // Find out dem size FileInfo demFile = new FileInfo(bilFile); long length = demFile.Length; if (length != 0 ) { width = height = ( int )Math.Sqrt(length / 2 ); if (width * height * 2 != length) throw new ApplicationException( " .bil file size not double of a square (eg. 150x150x2) " ); } DEM = new Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); byte [] tfBuffer = new byte [width * height * 2 ]; if (s.Read(tfBuffer, 0 ,tfBuffer.Length) < tfBuffer.Length) throw new IOException( string .Format( " End of file error while reading file '{0}'. " , bilFile) ); int offset = 0 ; for ( int y = 0 ; y < height; y ++ ) { for ( int x = 0 ; x < width; x ++ ) { // 16 bit values int low = tfBuffer[offset ++ ]; int hi = tfBuffer[offset]; int hi2 = ( short )(tfBuffer[offset ++ ] << 8 ); // Scale down to 0..255 int alt = ( int )(( float )(hi2 + low) * 255f / 9000f); if (alt < 0 ) alt = 0 ; if (alt > 255 ) alt = 255 ; // Store altitude in red, and original 16 bit value in g and b DEM.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb( 0xff , alt, low, hi)); } } } dem16 = true ; return DEM; }
高程值获取获取方法, float GetAlt(Bitmap DEM, float x, float y)和int GetAlt(Bitmap DEM, int x, int y)。这两个不同之处是,第一个方法里面调用了第二个方法,第二个是真正获取高程值的,而且是获取整数点上的高程值。
// Get elevation from DEM at exact location (integer coord) public int GetAlt(Bitmap DEM, int x, int y) { int alt = 0 ; if (x >= 0 && x <= DEM.Width - 1 && y >= 0 && y <= DEM.Height - 1 ) { Color p = DEM.GetPixel(x, y); alt = ( int )p.R; // Get altitude from red (8 bit) if (dem16) { // Get 16bit altitude from g/b alt = ( short )(p.B << 8 ) + ( int )p.G; // Check for negative values if (alt > 32767 ) alt = 65536 - alt; } } return alt; }第一个方法是通过调用第一个方法,然后通过插值计算的方法,获取任意点的插值。
获取任意点高程的代码 // Get averaged elevation from DEM at decimal location (float coord) public float GetAlt(Bitmap DEM, float x, float y) { float alt = 0f; if (x >= 0 && x <= DEM.Width - 1 && y >= 0 && y <= DEM.Height - 1 ) { int xNW = ( int )Math.Floor(x); // North-West corner int yNW = ( int )Math.Floor(y); float xF = ( float )x - xNW; // x factor 0...1 float yF = ( float )y - yNW; // y factor 0...1 //分别获取包含该点的最小矩形的四点的高程值 int altNW = GetAlt(DEM, xNW, yNW); // Alt north-west int altNE = GetAlt(DEM, xNW + 1 , yNW); // Alt north-east int altSW = GetAlt(DEM, xNW, yNW + 1 ); // Alt south-west int altSE = GetAlt(DEM, xNW + 1 , yNW + 1 ); // Alt south-east //插值获取该点的高程值 float altN = ( float )altNW * (1f - xF) + ( float )altNE * xF; // North average float altS = ( float )altSW * (1f - xF) + ( float )altSE * xF; // South average alt = altN * (1f - yF) + altS * yF; // North-South average } return alt; }
太晚了,不再详细分析最后部分代码了。下次有时间说一下3D Cross Section插件加载部分的代码实现,也算是完整分析个插件功能。希望大家能有所收获。