
it2024-11-21  29



      1)ScrRecX是ActiveX插件,商业插件,有详细的二次开发代码实例,经测试,效果很好,录制的视频会有水印,但最终未能找到破解版。ActiveX Screen Video Recorder   :

  ScrRecX Screen Video Recorder is an ActiveX component. It allows you to incorporate the video recording capabilities into your own applications.

  Main Features

Allows you to select a screen area or window to record.Supports multiple monitors.Records video as AVI or WMV.Records audio and synchronizes it with video.Supports various video/audio codecs.Video Setup (video compressor, frame rate, and more).Audio Setup (audio device, audio input, audio compressor, sample rate, bits per sample, and more).Scaling video on the fly.Pause/Resume modes.Optionally highlights the mouse pointer.The recording area can follow the mouse pointer.Can display the flashing border.Allows you to use the unregistered ActiveX DLL  (Example)The package contains our FM Screen Capture lossless video compressor for creating demonstrations/tutorials (See FM Screen Capture codec to learn more).Supports almost any language Visual Basic, C#, C++, Delphi, and more.  (Examples)ScrRecX is supplied with many working examples.



  CamStudio records activity from your screen and audio from a microphone into AVI video files and can also convert the AVIs into Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer. Latest Stable Version: Camstudio-2.0-w32.zip


  我先前花费大量的时间寻找ScrRecX的破解注册码,自己甚至使用ExploreSuite工具想破解DLL,消除视频水印,但都无功而返。改造CamStudio对我个人来说,是有很大困难的,比较不太熟悉C++。正当我彷徨时,发现让我柳暗花明的消息,原来CamStudio有命令行版的CamStudio Command Line V0.1 Released,这样就可以被WINFORM程序调用啦。下载:http://camstudio.org/CamStudio_cl.01.zip


该工具需要三个参数:codec(视频编码,有下面0-14种编码方式)、outputfile(输出的AVI的完整路径)、 seconds(指定录制时间几秒,该项可缺省,缺省时需要输入ENTER键,才能停止输出)

测试命令行代码:C:\camstudio_cl.exe -codec 5 -outfile C:\12345.avi -seconds 10

                        C:\camstudio_cl.exe -codec 5 -outfile C:\12345.avi (需要手动输入enter结束视频录制)

          技术探索实现:winform 调用camstudio_cl.exe




代码           private   void  BeginScreenRecord()         {             string  RecordArguments  =   @"  -codec 5 -outfile  "   +  _VideoPath;             // 要调用外部程序的相对路径             p.StartInfo.FileName  =  _RecorderPath;             // 参数              p.StartInfo.Arguments  =  RecordArguments;             // 不使用操作系统外壳程序启动线程(一定为FALSE,详细的请看MSDN)            p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute  =   false ;             // 不创建进程窗口              p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow  =   true ;            p.StartInfo.WindowStyle  =  ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;            p.Start(); // 启动线程         }


               关键是如何与另一进程程序进行交互,这里涉及到WIN32 API 编程(请参照:http://www.cnblogs.com/wuhenke/archive/2010/04/13/1711380.html),我花费了四个小时左右时间来实验探索,主要困扰在是使用SendMessage / PostMessage 还是PostThreadMessage。经测试,这里只能使用PostMessage发消息才能结束视频录制。

SendMessage FunctionSends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message.

PostMessage FunctionPlaces (posts) a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the specified window and returns without waiting for the thread to process the message.To post a message in the message queue associated with a thread, use the PostThreadMessage function.

PostThreadMessage Function

Posts a message to the message queue of the specified thread. It returns without waiting for the thread to process the message.

 PostMessage和SendMessage的区别 1, PostMessage只把消息放入队列,不管其他程序是否处理都返回,然后继续执行,这是个异步消息投放函数。而SendMessage必须等待其他程序处理消息完了之后才返回,继续执行,这是个同步消息投放函数。而且,PostMessage的返回值表示PostMessage函数执行是否正确;而SendMessage的返回值表示其他程序处理消息后的返回值。这点大家应该都明白。 2, 如果在同一个线程内,PostMessage发送消息时,消息要先放入线程的消息队列,然后通过消息循环Dispatch到目标窗口。SendMessage发送消息时,系统直接调用目标窗口的消息处理程序,并将结果返回。SendMessage在同一线程中发送消息并不入线程消息队列。 如果在不同线程内。最好用PostThreadMessage代替PostMessage,他工作的很好。SendMessage发送消息到目标窗口所属的线程的消息队列,然后发送消息的线程等待(事实上,他应该还在做一些监测工作,比如监视QS_SENDMESSAGE标志),直到目标窗口处理完并且结果返回,发送消息的线程才继续运行。这是SendMessage的一般情况,事实上,处理过程要复杂的多。比如,当发送消息的线程监测到有别的窗口SendMessage一个消息到来时,他直接调用窗口处理过程(重入),并将处理结果返回(这个过程不需要消息循环中GetMessage等的支持)。 3, msdn: If you send a message in the range below WM_USER to the asynchronous message functions (PostMessage, SendNotifyMessage, and SendMessageCallback), its message parameters can not include pointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail. 如果发送的消息码在WM_USER之下(非自定义消息)且消息参数中带有指针,那么PostMessage,SendNotifyMessage,SendMessageCallback这些异步消息发送函数将会调用失败。 最好不要用PostMessage发送带有指针参数的消息。 



代码        [DllImport( " user32.dll " , SetLastError  =   true )]        static   extern  IntPtr FindWindow( string  lpClassName,  string  lpWindowName);       [DllImport( " user32.dll " , SetLastError  =   true )]        static   extern  IntPtr PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam);        [DllImport( " user32.dll " )]        [ return : MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]         static   extern   bool  SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);         const  UInt32 WM_KEYDOWN  = 0X100 ;         const  UInt32 WM_KEYUP  =   0x101 ;         const  UInt32 WM_CHAR  =   0X102 ;         const  Int32 VK_RETURN  =   0X0D // enter键代码          ///   <summary>          ///  结束屏幕录制         ///   </summary>          private   void  EndScreenRecorder()        {             IntPtr hWnd  =  FindWindow( null , _RecorderPath);            //   //  SetForegroundWindow(hWnd);             PostMessage(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN,  0 );             // 阻塞等待进程结束             p.WaitForExit();            //  PostMessage(hWnd, WM_KEYUP, VK_RETURN, 0);             p.Close(); // 关闭进程              p.Dispose(); // 释放资源         }







Enum Windows & SendMessage API  http://www.developerfusion.com/article/34/enum-windows-sendmessage-api/3/




 Virtual-Key Codes   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms927178.aspx




   补充:在实际应用中我修改了CamStudio_CL的源代码,除去codec参数设置,改为自动寻找最优视频编码;提高帧频和压缩率。修改后CamStudio_CL.exe只需要输出路径即可。——2010-6-23  本博客声明:本人的技术探索过程中,得到了国信司南公司方面物质和精神支持。今后,本人博客里的所有技术探索成果将归“无痕客”、“国信司南”和“博客园”三方共同所有,原创作品如需转载,请注明本博客声明。   


