
it2024-11-27  21


1 1、查 2 输入:www.oldboy.org 3 获取当前backend下的所有记录 4 5 2、新建 6 输入: 7 arg = { 8 'backend': 'www.oldboy.org', 9 'record':{ 10 'server': '', 11 'weight': 20, 12 'maxconn': 30 13 } 14 } 15 16 3、删除 17 输入: 18 arg = { 19 'backend': 'www.oldboy.org', 20 'record':{ 21 'server': '', 22 'weight': 20, 23 'maxconn': 30 24 } 25 } View Code haproxy.cfg配置文件 1 global 2 log local2 3 daemon 4 maxconn 256 5 log local2 info 6 defaults 7 log global 8 mode http 9 timeout connect 5000ms 10 timeout client 50000ms 11 timeout server 50000ms 12 option dontlognull 13 14 listen stats :8888 15 stats enable 16 stats uri /admin 17 stats auth admin:1234 18 19 frontend oldboy.org 20 bind 21 option httplog 22 option httpclose 23 option forwardfor 24 log global 25 acl www hdr_reg(host) -i www.oldboy.org 26 use_backend www.oldboy.org if www 27 28 backend www.oldboy.org 29 server weight 20 maxconn 3000 View Code



1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author: JACK ZHAO 3 4 #菜单列表 5 operation_list = ["Search haproxy.cfg backend information","Add haproxy.cfg backend information",\ 6 "Delete haproy.cfg backend information"] 7 #状态判断标志 8 flag_search = 0 9 flag_add = 0 10 11 while True: 12 flag_search = 0 13 print(" Haproy configuration file management ".center(50, "#")) 14 for index,i in enumerate(operation_list): #遍历菜单列表 15 print([index],i) 16 choice = input("Please enter your choice[Q:exit]:") 17 if choice.isdigit(): #判读输入是否为整数 18 choice = int(choice) 19 if choice >= 0 and choice <= 2: #判读选择是否在菜单对应的数字内 20 if choice == 0: #查询backend information 21 url = input("Please enter URL Address:") 22 with open("haproxy.cfg","r",encoding="utf-8") as f_search: #打开haproxy.cfg一次性读取到内存中 23 for line in f_search: 24 if flag_search == 1: 25 if "backend" in line: 26 flag_search = 0 27 continue 28 else: 29 if len(line) <= 1: #不打印空白行 30 continue 31 else: 32 print("\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" % line.strip()) #打印符合条件的行,并去掉前后空格、换行符 33 continue 34 if "backend %s"%url in line and "use_backend" not in line : 35 flag_search = 1 36 elif choice == 1: #新增backend information 37 arg = input("Pleas enter backend:") 38 dic_add = eval('''%s'''%arg) #将输入的字符串转成字典 39 with open("haproxy.cfg", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f_add: 40 f_add.seek(0) #将位置光标移动开始位置,a+模式默认光标在文件最后 41 for line in f_add: 42 if dic_add["backend"] in line and "use_backend" not in line: #判读backend 是否已经存在 43 print("\033[31;1m%s is exists.\033[0m" %dic_add["backend"]) 44 flag_add =1 45 break 46 if flag_add == 1: 47 continue 48 f_add.write("\nbackend %s\n" %dic_add["backend"]) 49 f_add.write("\t\tserver %s weight %s maxconn %s\n" % (dic_add["record"]["server"],\ 50 dic_add["record"]["weight"],dic_add["record"]["maxconn"])) 51 elif choice == 2: 52 arg = input("Pleas enter backend:") 53 dic_delete = eval('''%s''' % arg) #将输入的字符串转为字典格式 54 with open("haproxy.cfg", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f_delete: 55 lines = f_delete.readlines() 56 with open("haproxy.cfg", "w", encoding='utf-8') as f_delete: #覆盖源文件的方式删除内容 57 for line in lines: 58 if "backend %s" %dic_delete["backend"] in line or "server %s weight %s maxconn %s"\ 59 %(dic_delete["record"]["server"],dic_delete["record"]["weight"],dic_delete["record"]["maxconn"]) in line: 60 continue 61 f_delete.write(line) 62 else: 63 print("It's only going to be 0 to 2.") #必须是菜单对应的数字 64 continue 65 elif choice == "Q": #选择退出 66 exit() 67 else: 68 print("It has to be an integer.")

