(defun http-char (c1 c2 &optional (default #\space))
(let ((code (parse-integer
(coerce (list c1 c2) 'string)
:radix 16
:junk-allowed t)))
(if code
(code-char code)
(defun decode-param (s)
(labels ((f (lst)
(when lst
(case (car lst)
(#\% (cons (http-char (cadr lst) (caddr lst))
(f (cdddr lst))))
(#\+ (cons #\space (f (cdr lst))))
(otherwise (cons (car lst) (f (cdr lst))))))))
(coerce (f (coerce s 'list )) 'string)))
(defun parse-params (s)
(let* ((i1 (position #\= s))
(i2 (position #\& s)))
(cond (i1 (cons (cons (intern (string-upcase (subseq s 0 i1)))
(decode-param (subseq s (1+ i1) i2)))
(and i2 (parse-params (subseq s (1+ i2))))))
((equal s "") nil)
(t s))))
(defun parse-url (s)
(let* ((url (subseq s
(+ 2 (position #\space s))
(position #\space s :from-end t) ))
(x (position #\? url)) )
(if x
(cons (subseq url 0 x) (parse-params (subseq url (1+ x))))
(cons url '()))))
(defun get-header (stream)
(let* ((s (read-line stream))
(h (let ((i (position #\: s)))
(when i
(cons (intern (string-upcase (subseq s 0 i)))
(subseq s (+ 2 i)))))))
(when h
(cons h (get-header stream)))))
(defun get-content-params (stream header)
(let ((length (cdr (assoc 'content-header header))))
(when length
(let ((content (make-string (parse-integer length))))
(read-sequence content stream)
(parse-params content)))))
(defun serve (request-handler)
(let ((socket (socket-server 8080)))
(loop (with-open-stream (stream (socket-accept socket))
(let* ((url (parse-url (read-line stream)))
(path (car url))
(header (get-header stream))
(params (append (cdr url)
(get-content-params stream header)))
(*standard-output* stream))
(funcall request-handler path header params))))
(socket-server-close socket))))
(defun hello-request-handler (path header params)
(if (equal path "greeting")
(let ((name (assoc 'name params )))
(if (not name)
(princ "<html><form>What is your name? <input name='name'/> </form><html>")
(format t "<html>Nice to meet you,~a! </html>" (cdr name))))
(princ "Sorry I don't know the page.")))