Merging with smaller auxiliary array. Suppose that the subarray ?[?] to ?[?−?] is sorted and the subarray ?[?] to ?[?∗?−?] is sorted. How can you merge the two subarrays so that ?[?] to ?[?∗?−?] is sorted using an auxiliary array of length n(instead of 2n)?
public class SmallerAux { public static void merge(Comparable[] a, int n) { // 特殊情况直接返回 if (a[n-1] <= a[n]) { return; } Comparable[] aux = new Comparable[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { aux[i] = a[i]; } int i = 0; int j = n; for (int k = 0; k < 2 * n; k++) { if (i >= n) { break; // 左半边数组元素用完后,无需移动右半边数组剩余元素 } else if (j >= 2 * n) { a[k] = aux[i++]; } else if (less(aux[i], a[j])) { a[k] = aux[i++]; } else { a[k] = a[j++]; } } } private static boolean less(Comparable a, Comparable b) { return a.compareTo(b) < 0; } }Counting inversions. An inversion in an array a[] is a pair of entries a[i] and a[j] such that i<j but a[i]>a[j]. Given an array, design a linearithmic algorithm to count the number of inversions.
统计给定数组中的逆序数对数。在归并排序的过程中处理:对于两个子数列a[left] - a[mid]和a[mid+1] - a[right],如果排序过程中a[j]<a[i],说明从a[i]到a[mid]都可以与a[j]构成逆序数对,即逆序数对增加mid-i+1个。
public class Inversions { private int count; private int[] copy; // 防止修改原数组 public Inversions(int[] a) { copy = new int[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { copy[i] = a[i]; } } public int count() { sort(copy, 0, copy.length - 1); return count; } private void sort(int[] a, int left, int right) { if (left >= right) { return; } int mid = (left + right) / 2; sort(a, left, mid); sort(a, mid + 1, right); merge(a, left, mid, right); } private void merge(int[] a, int left, int mid, int right) { int[] aux = new int[a.length]; for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) { aux[i] = a[i]; } int i = left; int j = mid + 1; for (int k = left; k <= right; k++) { if (i > mid) { a[k] = aux[j++]; } else if (j > right) { a[k] = aux[i++]; } else if (aux[j] < aux[i]) { a[k] = aux[j++]; count += mid - i + 1; // 逆序数对增加 } else { a[k] = aux[i++]; } } } }Shuffling a linked list. Given a singly-linked list containing nn items, rearrange the items uniformly at random. Your algorithm should consume a logarithmic (or constant) amount of extra memory and run in time proportional to nlogn in the worst case.
import java.util.Random; public class ShuffleList { public Node randomSort(Node first) { if (first == null || == null) { return first; } Node mid = findMid(first); Node left = first; Node right =; = null; // 断开左右链表 left = randomSort(left); right = randomSort(right); return randomMerge(left, right); } private Node randomMerge(Node left, Node right) { Random r = new Random(); Node head = new Node(); Node current = head; while (left != null || right != null) { if (left == null) { = right; break; } else if (right == null) { = left; break; } else { // 随机归并左右其中一个元素 int x = r.nextInt(2); if (x == 0) { = left; current =; left =; } else { = right; current =; right =; } } } return; } private Node findMid(Node first) { Node mid = first; Node last = first; // 使用不同的递进速率来定位中间元素 while ( != null && != null && != null) { mid =; last =; } return mid; } } class Node { int item; Node next; }参考**
Count inversions in an array