Jenkins Pipeline 介绍和实战

it2022-05-05  211

Docker CI: Jenkins Pipeline 介绍和实战

一、概述架构图如下: 二、什么是Pipeline?三、为什么使用Pipeline?四、Pipeline 实现 build & scan


基于 Docker 集成 CI 环境。涉及技术:Linux(Ubuntu 14.04), Docker, Jenkins, Git/Gitlab, Web/Httpbin, Python/Pytest, UI/Selenium, Robotframework, Grid Server, Appium 等。



Jenkins Pipeline是一套插件,支持将连续输送Pipeline实施和整合到Jenkins。Pipeline提供了一组可扩展的工具,用于通过PipelineDSL为代码创建简单到复杂的传送Pipeline。

通常,此“Pipeline代码”将被写入 Jenkinsfile项目的源代码控制存储库,例如:

pipeline { agent any (1) stages { stage('build') { (2) steps { (3) sh 'make' (4) } } stage('sita'){ steps { sh 'python' junit 'reports/**/*.xml' (5) } } } } agent 表示Jenkins应该为Pipeline的这一部分分配一个执行者和工作区。stage 描述了这条Pipeline的一个阶段。steps 描述了要在其中运行的步骤 stagesh 执行给定的shell命令junit是由JUnit插件提供的 用于聚合测试报告的Pipeline步骤。


Jenkins从根本上讲是一种支持多种自动化模式的自动化引擎。Pipeline在Jenkins上添加了一套强大的自动化工具,支持从简单的连续集成到全面的连续输送Pipeline的用例。通过建模一系列相关任务,用户可以利用Pipeline 的许多功能。


持久性:在jenkins的master按计划和非计划的重启后,pipeline的job仍然能够工作,不受影响。其实理解起来也很简单,jenkins的master和agent通过ssh连接,如果你知道nohup或disown的话,就可以理解为啥master的重启不会影响agent上的job继续运行。可暂停性:pipeline基于groovy可以实现job的暂停和等待用户的输入或批准然后继续执行。更灵活的并行执行,更强的依赖控制,通过groovy脚本可以实现step,stage间的并行执行,和更复杂的相互依赖关系。可扩展性:通过groovy的编程更容易的扩展插件。设计Pipeline = 设计代码,很优雅As Code:集中管理CI脚本、用代码库来管理脚本、从代码库直接读取脚本,从而可以将项目CI迅速拉起来!

四、Pipeline 实现 build & scan

一、conf 配置Pipeline各个需要执行的参数:

credentials_id: github-xxx-jenkins git_base: # If the container is running on a host who needs to resolve # differently, you may need to pass a host:ip mapping for the container to # resolve correctly. This could be done by setting a global # environment variable 'ADD_HOST'. e.g. add_host: branch: master stages: checkout_src: true build_tools: true build: true test: false pack: false check: false scan: true sita: false email: recipients: qabuilder always: false # Always send emails regardless task status. failed: false # Send emails when the task fails. changed: false # Send emails only when the task status changes. image: proj: xxx-server user: qa tag: bmas sonar: url: # To use influxdb, a target must be configured in Jenkins global configure influxdb: target: sita: env: sita Jenkins 凭据:credentials_id下载代码地址:git_base容器到主机的映射:add_host服务器代码分支:branchJenkinsfile 执行阶段:stages完成测试发送邮件:email服务器 Docker 镜像:imageSonarQube 扫描结果:sonar数据库存储:influxdb测试参数:sita

注:stages中,若 stage 为 true,则 Jnekinsfile 执行对应stage,反之,跳过。

二、Jenkinsfile 实现 build 和 scan

因为 conf 文件 中 stages 决定是否执行。以下四个 stages 为 true,即,

checkout_srcbuild_toolsbuildscan #!/usr/bin/env groovy /** * Pipeline to build and test the project, and pack the deliverables. */ // Shared library for the pipeline. // @Library('ci-shared-library') _ // Global configuration parameters for the pipeline. def conf = [:] pipeline { agent any //将在Jenkins master 执行 // agent {label 'slave'} //将在Jenkins slave节点执行 // Stages could ben enabled/disabled by configuration parameters. stages { // Load parameters from configuration file. stage("setup") { // 读取yaml文件内容,参考安装配置Jenkins文档中的“参数化构建过程” steps { script { conf = readYaml(file: "conf/" + (params.conf ?: "default") + ".yaml") } } } // setup // Checkout project source code. stage("checkout-src") { //git|svn 下载源代码 when { beforeAgent true expression { conf.stages.checkout_src } //conf 中 stages 参数 } steps { // Checkout source code. checkout([ $class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "*/${conf.branch}"]], //conf 中 branch 参数 extensions: [], // 默认存储到 workspace 目录下 submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[ credentialsId: "${conf.credentials_id}", //conf 中 credentials_id 参数 url: "${conf.git_base}:xxx/xxx-server.git" //conf 中 git_base 参数 ]] ]) // Checkout proto. checkout([ $class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "*/${conf.branch}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[ $class: "RelativeTargetDirectory", relativeTargetDir: "xxx-proto" //存储到 worksapce 下的 proto 目录 ]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[ credentialsId: "${conf.credentials_id}", url: "${conf.git_base}:xxx/xxx-proto.git" ]] ]) // Checkout resource. checkout([ $class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "*/${conf.branch}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[ $class: "RelativeTargetDirectory", relativeTargetDir: "bin/Debug/DesignerWork" //存储到 worksapce 下的 bin/Debug/DesignerWork 目录 ]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[ credentialsId: "${conf.credentials_id}", url: "${conf.git_base}:xxx/DesignerWork.git" ]] ]) // Checkout atelier-ci. checkout([ $class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "*/master"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[ $class: "RelativeTargetDirectory", relativeTargetDir: "ci" //存储到 worksapce 下的 ci 目录 ]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[ credentialsId: "${conf.credentials_id}", url: "${conf.git_base}:xxx/xxx-ci.git" ]] ]) } } // stage checkout-src // Build docker images for tools. stage("build-tools") { //构建镜像 when { beforeAgent true expression { conf.stages.build_tools } } steps { // Build all tools for the toolchain. script { def add_host = conf.add_host ? "--add-host ${conf.add_host}" : "" //用于主机地址到容器的映射 dir ("ci/toolchain") { //$ cd ci/toolchain sh ( // 构建镜像:builder tester scanner sita """ \ ./ \ --user ${conf.image.user} \ --version ${conf.image.tag}-latest \ ${add_host} \ ${conf.image.proj} \ """ ) } } } } // stage build-tools // Build source. stage("build") { // build 服务器 when { beforeAgent true expression { } } agent { docker { // 生成服务器容器 image "${conf.image.user}/${conf.image.proj}-builder:${conf.image.tag}-latest" args "-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts" reuseNode true } } steps { script { // 构建服务器 sh "/opt/script/ -w ${WORKSPACE}" } } } // stage build // Run unit tests. stage("test") { // 跳过 when { beforeAgent true expression { conf.stages.test } } agent { docker { image "${conf.image.user}/${conf.image.proj}-tester:${conf.image.tag}-latest" args "-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts" reuseNode true } } steps { script { sh "/opt/script/ -w ${WORKSPACE}/src" } } } // stage test // Check source code by static anlaysis tools. stage("check") { // 跳过 when { beforeAgent true expression { conf.stages.check } } agent { docker { image "${conf.image.user}/${conf.image.proj}-scanner:${conf.image.tag}-latest" args "-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts" reuseNode true } } steps { script { sh("/opt/script/ -w ${WORKSPACE}/src") } } } // stage check // Scan source code by sonar. stage("scan") { // sonar 扫描 when { beforeAgent true expression { conf.stages.scan } } agent { docker { // 生成 sonar 容器 image "${conf.image.user}/${conf.image.proj}-scanner:${conf.image.tag}-latest" args "-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts" reuseNode true } } steps { script { // 扫描 workspace 下的 src 目录 sh( """\ /opt/script/ \ -w ${WORKSPACE}/src \${conf.sonar.url} \${conf.branch} """ ) } } } // stage scan // 发送邮件 changed { script { // Send notification emails. if ( { emailext ( recipientProviders: [ [$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], mimeType: 'text/html', to: "${}", subject: '$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!', body: "Check ${BUILD_URL} to view the results.", attachLog: true ) } } } failure { script { // Send notification emails. if ( { emailext ( recipientProviders: [ [$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], mimeType: 'text/html', to: "${}", subject: '$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!', body: "Check ${BUILD_URL} to view the results.", attachLog: true ) } } } } // post } // pipeline
