
it2022-05-05  223




from time import time, sleep from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options # chrome设置 class Driver: def __init__(self, headless=False): self.t = time() options = Options() options.headless = headless # 设置浏览器为【无头】 self.d = Chrome(chrome_options=options) def close(self): self.d.quit() t = (time() - self.t) / 60 print('%.2f分钟' % t) def get(self, url): self.d.get(url) sleep(9) return self.d.page_source def test_xpath(self, url, xpath): from lxml import etree html = self.get(url) element = etree.HTML(html, etree.HTMLParser()) return element.xpath(xpath) def run_xpath(url, xpath): d = Driver() try: ls = d.test_xpath(url, xpath) except Exception as e: ls = repr(e).split('\\n') finally: d.close() return '\n'.join(ls) if __name__ == '__main__': url = 'https://blog.csdn.net/Yellow_python' xpath = '//*[@id="asideProfile"]/div[3]/dl[2]/dd/@title' print(run_xpath(url, xpath)) url = '123' xpath = '123' print(run_xpath(url, xpath))


from time import time, sleep from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from requests import get from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urljoin import os, re def red(*args): for a in args: print('\033[031m{}\033[0m'.format(a)) PATH = 'DOWNLOAD/' SECONDS = 5 class Driver: """网页下载""" def __init__(self): self.t = time() self.d = Chrome() def close(self): self.d.quit() t = (time() - self.t) / 60 print('%.2f分钟' % t) def get(self, url): self.d.get(url) sleep(SECONDS) return self.d.page_source def get_img(url, times=3): """下载图片""" if times < 0: return b'' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.1;360SE)'} try: r = get(url, headers=headers, timeout=30) except Exception as e: red(url, times, e) return get_img(url, times - 1) if r.status_code == 200: return r.content else: red(url, times, r.status_code) return get_img(url, times - 1) def save_img(url_img, catalog, name): """下载并保存图片""" suffixes = ['.gif', '.jpg', '.png', '.svg'] for suffix in suffixes: if suffix in url_img: path_img = name + suffix break else: path_img = name + suffixes[1] path_img_abs = os.path.join(catalog, path_img) content = get_img(url_img) with open(path_img_abs, 'wb') as f: f.write(content) return path_img def mkdir(path): """创建文件夹""" if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) def join_url(url, postfix): """补全URL""" tu = urlsplit(url) domain = tu[0] + '://' + tu[1] return urljoin(domain, postfix) def save_html(html, path, url): """HTML图文保存""" # 创建文件夹 mkdir(path) # 保存网址 with open(path + '/url.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(url) # 提取图片链接 url_imgs = re.findall('img[^>]+src="([^"]+)"', html) for i, url_img in enumerate(url_imgs, 1): # URL补全 url_total = join_url(url, url_img) # 图片路径 path_img = 'd' % i # 保存图片 path_img = save_img(url_total, path, path_img) # 替换图片路径 html = html.replace(url_img, path_img, 1) # 保存html with open(path + '/0.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(html) def download_html(url, path): mkdir(PATH) d = Driver() try: html = d.get(url) # 网页下载 save_html(html, os.path.join(PATH, path), url) # 图文保存 except Exception as e: print('\033[031m{}\033[0m'.format(e)) finally: d.close() if __name__ == '__main__': download_html('https://github.com/AryeYellow', 'a') download_html('https://me.csdn.net/Yellow_python', 'b')

