
it2022-05-06  12

各位大俠,最近小弟想開發一個分頁控件,該控件繼承了Repeater控件,我在類裏面定義了幾個分頁的屬性,當我把這個自定義控件拉到VS2005的某個頁面,並用設計器顯示,它有時候會報錯,即控件顯示不出來,在設計器中顯示,出現這種情況時,我把VS2005關閉,然後再開起來,它有變好了!我想請問一下,是什麼原因引起的呢?是我的VS2005的問題,還是我的代碼那裏沒有處理好呢? 設計器出錯畫面: 類代碼如下(代碼還沒有寫完)

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Toiletry.UI{    /// <summary>    /// 繼承Repeater控件,添加分頁功能    /// </summary>    [ToolboxData("<{0}:DataRepeater runat='server' RecordCount=\"100\"><HeaderTemplate><table><tr><td>Header1</td><td>Header2</td></tr></HeaderTemplate><ItemTemplate><tr><td>Data1</td><td>Data2</td></tr></ItemTemplate><FooterTemplate></table></FooterTemplate> </{0}:DataRepeater>")]    public class DataRepeater : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater    {        [Category("分頁")]        [DefaultValue(0)]        public int RecordCount        {            get            {                object o = ViewState["RecordCount"];

                return o == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(o);            }            set            {                ViewState["RecordCount"] = value;            }        }

        [Category("分頁")]        [DefaultValue(0)]        public virtual int PageIndex        {            get            {                object o = ViewState["PageIndex"];

                return o == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(o);            }            set            {                ViewState["PageIndex"] = value;            }        }

        [Category("分頁")]        [DefaultValue(10)]        public virtual int PageSize        {            get            {                object o = ViewState["PageSize"];

                return o == null ? 10 : Convert.ToInt32(o);            }            set            {                ViewState["PageSize"] = value;            }        }

        [Category("分頁")]        [DefaultValue(true)]        public bool EnablePaging        {            get            {                object o = ViewState["EnablePaging"];

                return o == null ? true : Convert.ToBoolean(o);            }            set            {                ViewState["EnablePaging"] = value;            }        }

        public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)        {            Table PageTable = new Table();            PageTable.RenderBeginTag(writer);

            #region "Data Row"

            TableRow DataRow = new TableRow();            DataRow.RenderBeginTag(writer);

            //Data Cell            TableCell DataCell = new TableCell();            DataCell.RenderBeginTag(writer);

            //Repeater控件的內容            base.RenderControl(writer);




            //允許分頁時,才呈現分頁控件            if (EnablePaging == true)            {                #region "Page Row"

                TableRow PageRow = new TableRow();                PageRow.RenderBeginTag(writer);

                //Page Cell                PageCell PCell = new PageCell(RecordCount, PageIndex, PageSize);                PageRow.Cells.Add(PCell);



                #endregion            }

            PageTable.RenderEndTag(writer);              }    }

    public class PageCell : System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell    {        /// <summary>        /// 總記錄數        /// </summary>        private int _RecordCount;

        /// <summary>        /// 當前頁碼[索引從0開始,即0=第1頁]        /// </summary>        private int _PageIndex;

        /// <summary>        /// 每頁顯示的記錄筆數        /// </summary>        private int _PageSize;

        /// <summary>        /// 總共有多少頁        /// </summary>        private int _PageCount;

        /// <summary>        /// 在分頁控件上,顯示多少個[頁碼鏈接]        /// </summary>        private int _PageLinkCount = 8;

        /// <summary>        /// 構造函數        /// </summary>        /// <param name="RecordCount">總記錄數</param>        /// <param name="PageIndex">當前頁碼[索引從0開始,即0=第1頁]</param>        /// <param name="PageSize">每頁顯示的記錄筆數</param>        public PageCell(int RecordCount, int PageIndex, int PageSize)        {            _RecordCount = RecordCount;            _PageIndex = PageIndex;            _PageSize = PageSize;

            //_PageSize=0的異常            if (_PageSize == 0)            {                _PageSize = 10;            }

            //求一共有幾頁            if (_RecordCount % _PageSize == 0)            {                _PageCount = _RecordCount / _PageSize;            }            else            {                _PageCount = _RecordCount / _PageSize + 1;            }

            //產生分頁控件            InitPageControl();        }

        /// <summary>        /// 產生分頁控件        /// </summary>        public virtual void InitPageControl()        {            //當前是第幾頁            int CurrentPageIndex = _PageIndex + 1;

            //頁碼排列的中間值            int MiddleValue = 0;

            //頁碼排列中間左邊有幾個            int LeftCount = 0;

            //頁碼排列中間右邊有幾個            int RightCount = 0;

            if (_PageLinkCount % 2 == 0)            {                MiddleValue = _PageLinkCount / 2 + 1;                LeftCount = _PageLinkCount / 2;                RightCount = _PageLinkCount / 2 - 1;            }            else            {                MiddleValue = (_PageLinkCount - 1) / 2 + 1;                LeftCount = (_PageLinkCount - 1) / 2;                RightCount = (_PageLinkCount - 1) / 2;            }

            //當前頁碼<=中間值            if (CurrentPageIndex <= MiddleValue)            {                if (_PageCount >= _PageLinkCount)                {                    for (int i = 1; i <= _PageLinkCount; i++)                    {                        LinkButton PageLink = new LinkButton();                        PageLink.Text = i.ToString();

                        //分隔符                        Literal PageBlank = new Literal();                        PageBlank.Text = " ";

                        //add to control                        this.Controls.Add(PageLink);                        this.Controls.Add(PageBlank);                    }                }                else                {                    for (int i = 1; i <= _PageCount; i++)                    {                        LinkButton PageLink = new LinkButton();                        PageLink.Text = i.ToString();

                        //分隔符                        Literal PageBlank = new Literal();                        PageBlank.Text = " ";

                        //add to control                        this.Controls.Add(PageLink);                        this.Controls.Add(PageBlank);                    }                }            }            else            {                //當前頁碼>中間值


                //左部分                for (int i = 1; i <= LeftCount;i++)                {                    LinkButton PageLink = new LinkButton();                    PageLink.Text = (CurrentPageIndex - MiddleValue + 1).ToString();

                    //分隔符                    Literal PageBlank = new Literal();                    PageBlank.Text = " ";

                    //add to control                    this.Controls.Add(PageLink);                    this.Controls.Add(PageBlank);                }

                //中間值                LinkButton MidPageLink = new LinkButton();                MidPageLink.Text = CurrentPageIndex.ToString();

                //分隔符                Literal MidPageBlank = new Literal();                MidPageBlank.Text = " ";

                //add to control                this.Controls.Add(MidPageLink);                this.Controls.Add(MidPageBlank);

                //右部分                if (_PageCount - CurrentPageIndex >= RightCount)                {                    for (int i = 1; i <= RightCount; i++)                    {                        LinkButton PageLink = new LinkButton();                        PageLink.Text = (CurrentPageIndex + i).ToString();

                        //分隔符                        Literal PageBlank = new Literal();                        PageBlank.Text = " ";

                        //add to control                        this.Controls.Add(PageLink);                        this.Controls.Add(PageBlank);                    }                }                else                {                    for (int i = 1; i <= _PageCount - CurrentPageIndex; i++)                    {                        LinkButton PageLink = new LinkButton();                        PageLink.Text = (CurrentPageIndex + i).ToString();

                        //分隔符                        Literal PageBlank = new Literal();                        PageBlank.Text = " ";

                        //add to control                        this.Controls.Add(PageLink);                        this.Controls.Add(PageBlank);                    }                }                            }        }



<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="DataRepeaterDemo.aspx.cs" Inherits="DataRepeaterDemo" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="Toiletry.UI" Namespace="Toiletry.UI" TagPrefix="cc1" %>

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><head id="Head1" runat="server">    <title>未命名頁面</title></head><body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">    <div>

        <cc1:DataRepeater ID="rpList" runat="server" RecordCount="1001" EnablePaging="true">                   <HeaderTemplate>            <table class="tby">            <tr>                 <th>Age</th>                 <th>Name</th>              </tr>            </HeaderTemplate>            <ItemTemplate>            <tr>             <td><%#Eval("Age")%></td>             <td><%#Eval("Name")%></td>              </tr>            </ItemTemplate>            <FooterTemplate>            </table>            </FooterTemplate>                            </cc1:DataRepeater>        <cc1:DataRepeater ID="DataRepeater1" runat="server" RecordCount="100">                   <HeaderTemplate>            <table class="tby">            <tr>                 <th>Age</th>                 <th>Name</th>              </tr>            </HeaderTemplate>            <ItemTemplate>            <tr>             <td><%#Eval("Age")%></td>             <td><%#Eval("Name")%></td>              </tr>            </ItemTemplate>            <FooterTemplate>            </table>            </FooterTemplate>          </cc1:DataRepeater>        <cc1:DataRepeater ID="DataRepeater2" runat="server" RecordCount="100" EnablePaging="false">            <HeaderTemplate>                <table>                </table>                    <tr>                        <td>                            Header1</td>                        <td>                            Header2</td>                    </tr>            </HeaderTemplate>            <ItemTemplate>                <tr>                    <td>                        Item1</td>                    <td>                        Item2</td>                </tr>            </ItemTemplate>            <FooterTemplate>                </table></FooterTemplate>        </cc1:DataRepeater>        </div>    </form></body></html>


