android presentation

it2022-05-06  1

对于双屏异显(lcd 和 hdmi 的双屏异显),android框架已经支持,但是底层接口功能还是要自己去实现,且需要底层驱动支持。

使用presentation 去画第二个display就好了。

1 MediaRouter mediaRouter = (MediaRouter) context.getSystemService(Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE); 2 MediaRouter.RouteInfo route = mediaRouter.getSelectedRoute(); 3 if(route != null) { 4 Display presentationDisplay = route.getPresentationDisplay(); 5 if (presentationDisplay != null) { 6 Presentation presentation = new MyPresentation(context, presentationDisplay); 7; 8 } 9 }



注意:public Presentation (Context outerContext, Display display) 这个初始化函数,这里的outerContext必须要activity,一个activity的context,虽然presentation会创建自己的context,但是它是在这个参数context之上的,而且这个activity跳转后presentation就消失了,如果说用getApplicationContext()就直接报错,也不行。



1. 您需要扩展Presentation类,并实现onCreate()回调方法。在onCreate()中,调用setContentView()来指定您要在辅助显示屏上显示的UI。

2. 作为Dialog类的扩展,Presentation类提供了一个区域,在其中,您的应用可以在辅助显示屏上显示不同的UI。


1. 可以使用DisplayManager或者MediaRouter的API。其中,使用DisplayManagerAPI可以使您获得当前连接的所有显示屏的枚举,而MediaRouter则可以使您直接访问系统为Presentation设置的默认显示输出。

2. 可以给MediaRouter.getSelectedRoute()传一个ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO来获得演示的默认显示器。它将返回一个MediaRouter.RouteInfo对象,描述了系统为视频演示所选择的当前路由。如果MediaRouter.RouteInfo不空,调用getPresentationDisplay()即可获取当前连接的显示屏对象:Display。

3. 然后,您可以将这个Display对象传入Presentation的构造函数。调用方法,演示就会出现在辅助显示屏上了。


1 private final MediaRouter.SimpleCallback mMediaRouterCallback = 2 new MediaRouter.SimpleCallback() { 3 @Override 4 public void onRouteSelected(MediaRouter router, int type, RouteInfo info) { 5 Log.d(TAG, "onRouteSelected: type=" + type + ", info=" + info); 6 updatePresentation(); 7 } 8 9 @Override 10 public void onRouteUnselected(MediaRouter router, int type, RouteInfo info) { 11 Log.d(TAG, "onRouteUnselected: type=" + type + ", info=" + info); 12 updatePresentation(); 13 } 14 15 @Override 16 public void onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info) { 17 Log.d(TAG, "onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged: info=" + info); 18 updatePresentation(); 19 } 20 };


1 private void updatePresentation() { 2 // Get the current route and its presentation display. 3 MediaRouter.RouteInfo route = mMediaRouter.getSelectedRoute( 4 MediaRouter.ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO); 5 Display presentationDisplay = route != null ? route.getPresentationDisplay() : null; 6 7 // Dismiss the current presentation if the display has changed. 8 if (mPresentation != null && mPresentation.getDisplay() != presentationDisplay) { 9 Log.i(TAG, "Dismissing presentation because the current route no longer " 10 + "has a presentation display."); 11 mPresentation.dismiss(); 12 mPresentation = null; 13 } 14 15 // Show a new presentation if needed. 16 if (mPresentation == null && presentationDisplay != null) { 17 Log.i(TAG, "Showing presentation on display: " + presentationDisplay); 18 mPresentation = new DemoPresentation(this, presentationDisplay); 19 mPresentation.setOnDismissListener(mOnDismissListener); 20 try { 21; 22 } catch (WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException ex) { 23 Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't show presentation! Display was removed in " 24 + "the meantime.", ex); 25 mPresentation = null; 26 } 27 } 28 29 // Update the contents playing in this activity. 30 updateContents(); 31 } 1 private void updateContents() { 2 // Show either the content in the main activity or the content in the presentation 3 // along with some descriptive text about what is happening. 4 if (mPresentation != null) { 5 mInfoTextView.setText(getResources().getString( 6 R.string.presentation_with_media_router_now_playing_remotely, 7 mPresentation.getDisplay().getName())); 8 mSurfaceView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); 9 mSurfaceView.onPause(); 10 if (mPaused) { 11 mPresentation.getSurfaceView().onPause(); 12 } else { 13 mPresentation.getSurfaceView().onResume(); 14 } 15 } else { 16 mInfoTextView.setText(getResources().getString( 17 R.string.presentation_with_media_router_now_playing_locally, 18 getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getName())); 19 mSurfaceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); 20 if (mPaused) { 21 mSurfaceView.onPause(); 22 } else { 23 mSurfaceView.onResume(); 24 } 25 } 26 }



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