public class CorsConfiguration {
/** * Wildcard representing <em>all</em> origins, methods, or headers. */ public static final String ALL = "*";
private static final List<HttpMethod> DEFAULT_METHODS;
static { List<HttpMethod> rawMethods = new ArrayList<HttpMethod>(2); rawMethods.add(HttpMethod.GET); rawMethods.add(HttpMethod.HEAD); DEFAULT_METHODS = Collections.unmodifiableList(rawMethods); }
private List<String> allowedOrigins;
private List<String> allowedMethods;
private List<HttpMethod> resolvedMethods = DEFAULT_METHODS;
private List<String> allowedHeaders;
private List<String> exposedHeaders;
private Boolean allowCredentials;
private Long maxAge;
/** * Construct a new {@code CorsConfiguration} instance with no cross-origin * requests allowed for any origin by default. * @see #applyPermitDefaultValues() */ public CorsConfiguration() { }
/** * Construct a new {@code CorsConfiguration} instance by copying all * values from the supplied {@code CorsConfiguration}. */ public CorsConfiguration(CorsConfiguration other) { this.allowedOrigins = other.allowedOrigins; this.allowedMethods = other.allowedMethods; this.resolvedMethods = other.resolvedMethods; this.allowedHeaders = other.allowedHeaders; this.exposedHeaders = other.exposedHeaders; this.allowCredentials = other.allowCredentials; this.maxAge = other.maxAge; }
/** Set<String> combined = new LinkedHashSet<String>(source); return new ArrayList<String>(combined); * Set the origins to allow, e.g. {@code ""}. * <p>The special value {@code "*"} allows all domains. * <p>By default this is not set. */ public void setAllowedOrigins(List<String> allowedOrigins) { this.allowedOrigins = (allowedOrigins != null ? new ArrayList<String>(allowedOrigins) : null); }