从golang-gin-realworld-example-app项目学写httpapi (八)

it2022-05-05  184

从golang-gin-realworld-example-app项目学写httpapi (八)



package users import ( "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "bytes" "fmt" "github.com/jinzhu/gorm" "github.com/wangzitian0/golang-gin-starter-kit/common" //"gopkg.in/gin-gonic/gin.v1" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "os" _ "regexp" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" ) var image_url = "https://golang.org/doc/gopher/frontpage.png" var test_db *gorm.DB func newUserModel() UserModel { return UserModel{ ID: 2, Username: "asd123!@#ASD", Email: "wzt@g.cn", Bio: "heheda", Image: &image_url, PasswordHash: "", } } func userModelMocker(n int) []UserModel { var offset int test_db.Model(&UserModel{}).Count(&offset) var ret []UserModel for i := offset + 1; i <= offset+n; i++ { image := fmt.Sprintf("http://image/%v.jpg", i) userModel := UserModel{ Username: fmt.Sprintf("user%v", i), Email: fmt.Sprintf("user%v@linkedin.com", i), Bio: fmt.Sprintf("bio%v", i), Image: &image, } userModel.setPassword("password123") test_db.Create(&userModel) ret = append(ret, userModel) } return ret } // 单元测试函数 用于测试用户模型功能 包括设置密码 校验密码 关注方面的功能 func TestUserModel(t *testing.T) { asserts := assert.New(t) //Testing UserModel's password feature userModel := newUserModel() err := userModel.checkPassword("") asserts.Error(err, "empty password should return err") userModel = newUserModel() err = userModel.setPassword("") asserts.Error(err, "empty password can not be set null") userModel = newUserModel() err = userModel.setPassword("asd123!@#ASD") asserts.NoError(err, "password should be set successful") asserts.Len(userModel.PasswordHash, 60, "password hash length should be 60") err = userModel.checkPassword("sd123!@#ASD") asserts.Error(err, "password should be checked and not validated") err = userModel.checkPassword("asd123!@#ASD") asserts.NoError(err, "password should be checked and validated") //Testing the following relationship between users users := userModelMocker(3) a := users[0] b := users[1] c := users[2] asserts.Equal(0, len(a.GetFollowings()), "GetFollowings should be right before following") asserts.Equal(false, a.isFollowing(b), "isFollowing relationship should be right at init") a.following(b) asserts.Equal(1, len(a.GetFollowings()), "GetFollowings should be right after a following b") asserts.Equal(true, a.isFollowing(b), "isFollowing should be right after a following b") a.following(c) asserts.Equal(2, len(a.GetFollowings()), "GetFollowings be right after a following c") asserts.EqualValues(b, a.GetFollowings()[0], "GetFollowings should be right") asserts.EqualValues(c, a.GetFollowings()[1], "GetFollowings should be right") a.unFollowing(b) asserts.Equal(1, len(a.GetFollowings()), "GetFollowings should be right after a unFollowing b") asserts.EqualValues(c, a.GetFollowings()[0], "GetFollowings should be right after a unFollowing b") asserts.Equal(false, a.isFollowing(b), "isFollowing should be right after a unFollowing b") } //Reset test DB and create new one with mock data func resetDBWithMock() { common.TestDBFree(test_db) test_db = common.TestDBInit() AutoMigrate() userModelMocker(3) } func HeaderTokenMock(req *http.Request, u uint) { req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Token %v", common.GenToken(u))) } //You could write the init logic like reset database code here var unauthRequestTests = []struct { init func(*http.Request) url string method string bodyData string expectedCode int responseRegexg string msg string }{ //Testing will run one by one, so you can combine it to a user story till another init(). //And you can modified the header or body in the func(req *http.Request) {} //--------------------- Testing for user register --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() }, "/users/", "POST", `{"user":{"username": "wangzitian0","email": "wzt@gg.cn","password": "jakejxke"}}`, http.StatusCreated, `{"user":{"username":"wangzitian0","email":"wzt@gg.cn","bio":"","image":null,"token":"([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{115})"}}`, "valid data and should return StatusCreated", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/", "POST", `{"user":{"username": "wangzitian0","email": "wzt@gg.cn","password": "jakejxke"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"database":"UNIQUE constraint failed: user_models.email"}}`, "duplicated data and should return StatusUnprocessableEntity", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/", "POST", `{"user":{"username": "u","email": "wzt@gg.cn","password": "jakejxke"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Username":"{min: 4}"}}`, "too short username should return error", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/", "POST", `{"user":{"username": "wangzitian0","email": "wzt@gg.cn","password": "j"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Password":"{min: 8}"}}`, "too short password should return error", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/", "POST", `{"user":{"username": "wangzitian0","email": "wztgg.cn","password": "jakejxke"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Email":"{key: email}"}}`, "email invalid should return error", }, //--------------------- Testing for user login --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() }, "/users/login", "POST", `{"user":{"email": "user1@linkedin.com","password": "password123"}}`, http.StatusOK, `{"user":{"username":"user1","email":"user1@linkedin.com","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","token":"([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{115})"}}`, "right info login should return user", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/login", "POST", `{"user":{"email": "user112312312@linkedin.com","password": "password123"}}`, http.StatusForbidden, `{"errors":{"login":"Not Registered email or invalid password"}}`, "email not exist should return error info", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/login", "POST", `{"user":{"email": "user1@linkedin.com","password": "password126"}}`, http.StatusForbidden, `{"errors":{"login":"Not Registered email or invalid password"}}`, "password error should return error info", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/login", "POST", `{"user":{"email": "user1@linkedin.com","password": "passw"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Password":"{min: 8}"}}`, "password too short should return error info", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/login", "POST", `{"user":{"email": "user1@linkedin.com","password": "passw"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Password":"{min: 8}"}}`, "password too short should return error info", }, //--------------------- Testing for self info get & auth module --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() }, "/user/", "GET", ``, http.StatusUnauthorized, ``, "request should return 401 without token", }, { func(req *http.Request) { req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Tokee %v", common.GenToken(1))) }, "/user/", "GET", ``, http.StatusUnauthorized, ``, "wrong token should return 401", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 1) }, "/user/", "GET", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"user":{"username":"user1","email":"user1@linkedin.com","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","token":"([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{115})"}}`, "request should return current user with token", }, //--------------------- Testing for users' profile get --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() HeaderTokenMock(req, 1) }, "/profiles/user1", "GET", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user1","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","following":false}}`, "request should return self profile", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1", "GET", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user1","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","following":false}}`, "request should return correct other's profile", }, //--------------------- Testing for users' profile update --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() HeaderTokenMock(req, 1) }, "/profiles/user123", "GET", ``, http.StatusNotFound, ``, "user should not exist profile before changed", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 1) }, "/user/", "PUT", `{"user":{"username":"user123","password": "password126","email":"user123@linkedin.com","bio":"bio123","image":"http://hehe/123.jpg"}}`, http.StatusOK, `{"user":{"username":"user123","email":"user123@linkedin.com","bio":"bio123","image":"http://hehe/123.jpg","token":"([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{115})"}}`, "current user profile should be changed", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 1) }, "/profiles/user123", "GET", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user123","bio":"bio123","image":"http://hehe/123.jpg","following":false}}`, "request should return self profile after changed", }, { func(req *http.Request) {}, "/users/login", "POST", `{"user":{"email": "user123@linkedin.com","password": "password126"}}`, http.StatusOK, `{"user":{"username":"user123","email":"user123@linkedin.com","bio":"bio123","image":"http://hehe/123.jpg","token":"([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{115})"}}`, "user should login using new password after changed", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/user/", "PUT", `{"user":{"password": "pas"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Password":"{min: 8}"}}`, "current user profile should not be changed with error user info", }, //--------------------- Testing for db errors --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() HeaderTokenMock(req, 4) }, "/user/", "PUT", `{"password": "password321"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"Email":"{key: email}","Username":"{key: alphanum}"}}`, "test database pk error for user update", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 0) }, "/user/", "PUT", `{"user":{"username": "wangzitian0","email": "wzt@gg.cn","password": "jakejxke"}}`, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"database":"UNIQUE constraint failed: user_models.email"}}`, "cheat validator and test database connecting error for user update", }, { func(req *http.Request) { common.TestDBFree(test_db) test_db = common.TestDBInit() test_db.AutoMigrate(&UserModel{}) userModelMocker(3) HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1/follow", "POST", ``, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"database":"no such table: follow_models"}}`, "test database error for following", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1/follow", "DELETE", ``, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, `{"errors":{"database":"no such table: follow_models"}}`, "test database error for canceling following", }, { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user666/follow", "POST", ``, http.StatusNotFound, `{"errors":{"profile":"Invalid username"}}`, "following wrong user name should return errors", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user666/follow", "DELETE", ``, http.StatusNotFound, `{"errors":{"profile":"Invalid username"}}`, "cancel following wrong user name should return errors", }, //--------------------- Testing for user following --------------------- { func(req *http.Request) { resetDBWithMock() HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1/follow", "POST", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user1","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","following":true}}`, "user follow another should work", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1", "GET", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user1","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","following":true}}`, "user follow another should make sure database changed", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1/follow", "DELETE", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user1","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","following":false}}`, "user cancel follow another should work", }, { func(req *http.Request) { HeaderTokenMock(req, 2) }, "/profiles/user1", "GET", ``, http.StatusOK, `{"profile":{"username":"user1","bio":"bio1","image":"http://image/1.jpg","following":false}}`, "user cancel follow another should make sure database changed", }, } // 单元测试函数 用于http接口请求测试 func TestWithoutAuth(t *testing.T) { asserts := assert.New(t) //You could write the reset database code here if you want to create a database for this block //resetDB() r := gin.New() UsersRegister(r.Group("/users")) r.Use(AuthMiddleware(true)) UserRegister(r.Group("/user")) ProfileRegister(r.Group("/profiles")) for _, testData := range unauthRequestTests { bodyData := testData.bodyData req, err := http.NewRequest(testData.method, testData.url, bytes.NewBufferString(bodyData)) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") asserts.NoError(err) testData.init(req) w := httptest.NewRecorder() r.ServeHTTP(w, req) asserts.Equal(testData.expectedCode, w.Code, "Response Status - "+testData.msg) asserts.Regexp(testData.responseRegexg, w.Body.String(), "Response Content - "+testData.msg) } } //This is a hack way to add test database for each case, as whole test will just share one database. //You can read TestWithoutAuth's comment to know how to not share database each case. func TestMain(m *testing.M) { test_db = common.TestDBInit() AutoMigrate() exitVal := m.Run() common.TestDBFree(test_db) os.Exit(exitVal) } posted on 2018-11-26 10:44 北京涛子 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

