
it2022-05-05  148

solidity语言3 #函数类型(function type) function (<parameter types>) {internal|external(public)} [pure|constant|view|payable] [returns (<return types>)] 有内部类型(internal)与外部(external)两种类型,如不提示关键字,默认是 internal。内部函数仅当前合约可以调用,外部函数由地址和函数签名组成,它们能传递和调用后返回结果。 合约中访问函数有2种方法: 直接用函数名,如f;或者 this.f 此外,外部函数有特别的成员属性seletor,返回 ABI function selector pragma solidity ^0.4.16; contract Selector { function f() public view returns (bytes4) { return this.f.selector; } }


pragma solidity ^0.4.16; library ArrayUtils { // internal functions can be used in internal library functions because // they will be part of the same code context function map(uint[] memory self, function (uint) pure returns (uint) f) internal pure returns (uint[] memory r) { r = new uint[](self.length); for (uint i = 0; i < self.length; i++) { r[i] = f(self[i]); } } function reduce(uint[] memory self, function (uint, uint) pure returns (uint) f) internal pure returns (uint r) { r = self[0]; for (uint i = 1; i < self.length; i++) { r = f(r, self[i]); } } function range(uint length) internal pure returns (uint[] memory r) { r = new uint[](length); for (uint i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { r[i] = i; } } } contract Pyramid { using ArrayUtils for *; function pyramid(uint l) public pure returns (uint) { return ArrayUtils.range(l).map(square).reduce(sum); } function square(uint x) internal pure returns (uint) { return x * x; } function sum(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) { return x + y; } }


pragma solidity ^0.4.11; contract Oracle { struct Request { bytes data; function(bytes memory) external callback; } Request[] requests; event NewRequest(uint); function query(bytes data, function(bytes memory) external callback) public { requests.push(Request(data, callback)); NewRequest(requests.length - 1); } function reply(uint requestID, bytes response) public { // Here goes the check that the reply comes from a trusted source requests[requestID].callback(response); } } contract OracleUser { Oracle constant oracle = Oracle(0x1234567); // function buySomething() { oracle.query("USD", this.oracleResponse); } function oracleResponse(bytes response) public { require(msg.sender == address(oracle)); // Use the data } } posted on 2018-02-27 16:36 北京涛子 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

