视图学习:v$Latch (X$KSLLT) 与 v$Latch

it2022-05-05  238

10gR2中关于Latch的视图:有5个除了v$Latch之外还有以下4个,他们都可以和v$Latch视图连接,连接字段如下: v$Latch_CHILDREN.NAME/LATCH# v$LatchHOLDER.NAME v$LatchNAME.NAME/LATCH#  v$Latch_MISSES.PARENT_NAME 什么是Latch latch有40余种,但作为DBA关心的主要应有以下几种: Cache buffers chains latch:当用户进程搜索SGA寻找database cache buffers时需要使用此latch。 见《Buffer Cache Management》 Cache buffers LRU chain latch:当用户进程要搜索buffer cache中包括所有 dirty blocks的LRU (least recently used) 链时使用该种latch。 见《Buffer Cache Management》 Redo log buffer latch:这种latch控制redo log buffer中每条redo entries的空间分配。 稍后 Row cache objects latch:当用户进程访问缓存的数据字典数值时,将使用Row cache objects latch。 稍后 首先来看看v$latch,在10gR2下统计有 382种latch,V$LATCH视图在选取X$KSLLT记录时,进行了Group By及SUM运算,从而得出了一个汇总信息。 本视图保存自实例启动各类栓锁的统计信息。常用于当v$session_wait中发现栓锁竞争时鉴别SGA区中问题所在区域。 SQL> select count(*) from v$LATCH;   COUNT(*) ----------        382 SQL> select VIEW_DEFINITION from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION where VIEW_NAME like 'V$LATCH'; VIEW_DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select addr,latch#,level#,name,hash,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets, immediate _misses,waiters_woken,waits_holding_latch,spin_gets, sleep1,sleep2,sleep3,sleep4 ,sleep5,sleep6,sleep7,sleep8,sleep9, sleep10,sleep11,wait_time from gv$latch whe re inst_id = USERENV('Instance') SQL> select * from V$FIXED_TABLE where name like 'V$LATCH_CHILDREN'; NAME                            OBJECT_ID TYPE   TABLE_NUM ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---------- V$LATCH                        4294950921   VIEW         65537 SQL> select VIEW_DEFINITION from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION where VIEW_NAME like 'GV$LATCH'; VIEW_DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select d.inst_id,d.kslldadr,la.latch#,d.kslldlvl,d.kslldnam,d.kslldhsh,        l a.gets,la.misses,        la.sleeps,la.immediate_gets,la.immediate_misses,la.wait ers_woken,        la.waits_holding_latch,la.spin_gets,la.sleep1,la.sleep2,   la.sleep3,la.sleep4,la.sleep5,la.sleep6,la.sleep7,la.sleep8,la.sleep9, la.sleep10, la.sleep11, la.wait_time  from x$kslld d,    (select kslltnum latch# ,        sum(kslltwgt) gets,sum(kslltwff) misses,sum(kslltwsl) sleeps,        su m(kslltngt) immediate_gets,sum(kslltnfa) immediate_misses,        sum(kslltwkc) waiters_woken,sum(kslltwth) waits_holding_latch,        sum(ksllthst0) spin_gets ,sum(ksllthst1) sleep1,sum(ksllthst2) sleep2,        sum(ksllthst3) sleep3,sum(k sllthst4) sleep4,sum(ksllthst5) sleep5,        sum(ksllthst6) sleep6,sum(ksllths t7) sleep7,sum(ksllthst8) sleep8,        sum(ksllthst9) sleep9,sum(ksllthst10) s leep10,sum(ksllthst11) sleep11,        sum(kslltwtt) wait_time    from x$ksllt g roup by kslltnum) la  where la.latch# = d.indx X$KSLLT [K]ernel [S]ervice [L]ock Management Latch statistics + Child latches  SQL> select * from V$FIXED_TABLE where name like 'GV$LATCH_CHILDREN'; NAME                            OBJECT_ID TYPE   TABLE_NUM ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---------- GV$LATCH_CHILDREN              4294951269   VIEW         65537 SQL> select VIEW_DEFINITION from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION where VIEW_NAME like 'X$KSLLT'; no rows selected 看来X$KSLLT已经是最低层的表而不是视图了 SQL> select * from V$FIXED_TABLE where name like 'X$KSLLT'; NAME                            OBJECT_ID TYPE   TABLE_NUM ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---------- X$KSLLT                        4294950993   TABLE            6 V$LATCH中的常用列:拿《 library cache lock和library cache pin到底是什么》里边的这条语句来解释V$LATCH视图 SQL>   select name,level#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses from v$latch where name like 'library%'; NAME                                                   LEVEL#       GETS     MISSES     SLEEPS IMMEDIATE_GETS IMMEDIATE_MISSES -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- library cache                                               5    9221760         1608      800          2596            76766 library cache lock                                        6   13548247        582        6             0                0 library cache lock allocation                            3     208273          0           0             0                0 library cache pin                                          6    4207462        193        0             2                0 library cache hash chains                            9             0          0          0             0                0 library cache pin allocation                              3      57276          0          0             0                0 library cache load lock                                    5      24848          0          0             1                0 NAME:latch名称 IMMEDIATE_GETS:以Immediate模式latch请求数 IMMEDIATE_MISSES:请求失败数 GETS:以Willing to wait请求模式latch的请求数 MISSES:初次尝试请求不成功次数 SLEEPS:成功获取前sleeping次数 还有两个重点的没有出现在这里 SPIN_GETS:第一次尝试失败,但在以后的轮次中成功 WAIT_TIME:花费在等待latch的时间 再来看看V$LATCH_CHILDREN,V$LATCH_CHILDREN视图和v$Latch视图的差别与v$sql和v$sqlarea的区别相似并不进行汇总运算,所以也就显示了子Latch的相关信息 SQL> select count(*) from V$LATCH_CHILDREN;   COUNT(*) ----------       1925 SQL> select VIEW_DEFINITION from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION where VIEW_NAME like 'V$LATCH_CHILDREN'; VIEW_DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select  ADDR , LATCH# , CHILD# , LEVEL# , NAME , HASH , GETS , MISSES , SLEEPS , IMMEDIATE_GETS , IMMEDIATE_MISSES , WAITERS_WOKEN , WAITS_HOLDING_LATCH , SPIN _GETS , SLEEP1 , SLEEP2 , SLEEP3 , SLEEP4 , SLEEP5 , SLEEP6 , SLEEP7 , SLEEP8 , SLEEP9 , SLEEP10 , SLEEP11 , WAIT_TIME from GV$LATCH_CHILDREN where inst_id = US ERENV('Instance') SQL> select * from V$FIXED_TABLE where name like 'V$LATCH_CHILDREN'; NAME                            OBJECT_ID TYPE   TABLE_NUM ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---------- V$LATCH_CHILDREN               4294951168 VIEW       65537 SQL> select VIEW_DEFINITION from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION where VIEW_NAME like 'GV$LATCH_CHILDREN'; VIEW_DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select t.inst_id,t.addr,t.kslltnum,t.kslltcnm,n.kslldlvl,        n.kslldnam,n.ks lldhsh,        t.kslltwgt,t.kslltwff,t.kslltwsl,t.kslltngt,t.kslltnfa,        t. kslltwkc,t.kslltwth,t.ksllthst0,t.ksllthst1,        t.ksllthst2,t.ksllthst3,t.ks llthst4,t.ksllthst5,        t.ksllthst6,t.ksllthst7,t.ksllthst8,        t.ksllth st9,t.ksllthst10, t.ksllthst11,        t.kslltwtt  from x$ksllt t, x$kslld n  wh ere t.kslltcnm > 0 and t.kslltnum = n.indx X$KSLLD [K]ernel [S]ervice [L]ock Management Latch [D]escriptor (name) SQL> select * from V$FIXED_TABLE where name like 'GV$LATCH_CHILDREN'; NAME                            OBJECT_ID TYPE   TABLE_NUM ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---------- GV$LATCH_CHILDREN              4294951269 VIEW       65537 对比v$latch与v$latch_children视图 重复一下上边说的: V$LATCH视图在选取X$KSLLT记录时,进行了Group By及SUM运算,从而得出了一个汇总信息 V$LATCH_CHILDREN视图和v$Latch视图的差别与v$sql和v$sqlarea的区别相似并不进行汇总运算,所以也就显示了子Latch的相关信息 所谓子Latch就是library cache在系统中包含了多少个具体的物理数量的library cache,他们的分配原则是这样的 v$latch_children内容的条数一般都是v$latch cpu+1倍,例如:下边这个v$latch的相同查询,都是查询有多少相关的library cache latch。这里cpu的个数为2,显然上述library cache latches的子latch应该为3: SQL> select name,level#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses from v$latch where name like 'library%'; NAME                                                   LEVEL#       GETS     MISSES     SLEEPS IMMEDIATE_GETS IMMEDIATE_MISSES -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- library cache                                               5    9221760         1608      800          2596            76766 library cache lock                                        6   13548247        582        6             0                0 library cache lock allocation                            3     208273          0           0             0                0 library cache pin                                          6    4207462        193        0             2                0 library cache hash chains                            9             0          0          0             0                0 library cache pin allocation                              3      57276          0          0             0                0 library cache load lock                                    5      24848          0          0             1                0 SQL>   select name,level#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses from v$ latch_children  where name like 'library%'; NAME                                                   LEVEL#       GETS     MISSES     SLEEPS IMMEDIATE_GETS IMMEDIATE_MISSES -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- library cache                                               5    3274551       1301         94           187                0 library cache                                               5    2218356        116         80           933                0 library cache                                               5    3731320        191        626          1476            76766 library cache lock                                          6    5339737        362          3             0                0 library cache lock                                          6    6223353        194          3             0                0 library cache lock                                          6    1987799         26          0             0                0 library cache pin                                           6    1484918        184          0             0                0 library cache pin                                           6     891695          3          0             2                0 library cache pin                                           6    1831837          6          0             0                0 library cache pin allocation                                3      23177          0          0             0                0 library cache pin allocation                                3       8272          0          0             0                0 library cache pin allocation                                3      25849          0          0             0                0 library cache lock allocation                               3      75900          0          0             0                0 library cache lock allocation                               3      28229          0          0             0                0 library cache lock allocation                               3     104237          0          0             0                0 library cache hash chains                                   9          0          0          0             0                0 library cache hash chains                                   9          0          0          0             0                0 library cache hash chains                                   9          0          0          0             0                0 --EOF--

