
it2022-05-05  193



1.PreParedStatement是Statement接口的子接口 2.PreParedStatement和Statement都可以实现对数据表的CRUD操作:增删改查


1.PreparedStatement 可以规避 Statement弊端:①拼串 ②sql注入问题 2.PreparedStatement 可以实现操作Blob类型的数据 3.PreparedStatement 可以实现相对于Statement的高效的批量插入



public static void testLogin() { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("用户名:"); String userName = scan.nextLine(); System.out.print("密 码:"); String password = scan.nextLine(); String sql = "select user, password from user_table where user = '" + userName + "' and password = '" + password + "'"; User user = get(sql, User.class); if(user != null){ System.out.println("登陆成功!"); }else{ System.out.println("用户名或密码错误!"); } }


在写代码的过程中,拼串也是很麻烦的,需要添加很多" ",也正是因为拼串这个问题,从而导致出现了sql注入的问题。

就像这样: 可以看出这并不是一个合理的用户名和密码,将图片中的用户名和密码的字符串填入到Statement的sql语句中会变成: select user, password from user_table where user = ’ 1 ’ or ’ 1 ’ and password =’ 1 ’ or ’ 1 ’ = ’ 1 ’ 完全曲解了我们的本意


public static void testLogin() { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("用户名:"); String userName = scan.nextLine(); System.out.print("密 码:"); String password = scan.nextLine(); connection = JDBCUtils.getConnection(); String sql = "select user, password from user_table where user = ? and password = ? "; //预编译sql语句 ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); //填充占位符 ps.setString(1,""); ps.setString(2,""); //执行查询,获取结果集 resultSet = ps.executeQuery(); User user = null; if({ String username = resultSet.getString(1); String passwd = resultSet.getString(2); user = new User(username,passwd); } if(user != null){ System.out.println("登录成功"); } else { System.out.println("登录失败"); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ JDBCUtils.close(connection,ps,resultSet); } }

通过PreparedStatement 实现操作Blob类型的数据

public static void insertBlob(){ Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; FileInputStream inputStream = null; try{ connection = JDBCUtils.getConnection(); String sql = "insert into customers(name,email,birth,photo) value(?,?,?,?)"; preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setObject(1,"啦啦"); preparedStatement.setObject(2,""); preparedStatement.setObject(3,"2019-07-14"); inputStream = new FileInputStream("MAC1.png"); preparedStatement.setBlob(4,inputStream); preparedStatement.execute(); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ JDBCUtils.close(connection,preparedStatement,null); try{ if(inputStream != null){ inputStream.close(); } }catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void downloadBlob(){ Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; InputStream binaryStream = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try{ connection = JDBCUtils.getConnection(); String sql = "select id,name,email,birth,photo from customers where id = ?"; preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setInt(1,20); resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if({ int id = resultSet.getInt(1); String name = resultSet.getString(2); String email = resultSet.getString(3); Date birth = resultSet.getDate(4); Customer customer = new Customer(id,name,email,birth); System.out.println(customer); Blob photo = resultSet.getBlob("photo"); //通过Blob类型的photo获取一个二进制流 binaryStream = photo.getBinaryStream(); fos = new FileOutputStream("mac.png"); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length; while((length = != -1){ fos.write(buffer,0,length); } } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ JDBCUtils.close(connection,preparedStatement,resultSet); try{ if(binaryStream != null){ binaryStream.close(); } if(fos != null){ fos.close(); } }catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }

通过PreparedStatement 实现高效的批量插入

public static void test()throws Exception{ Connection connection = JDBCUtils.getConnection(); /* * 将提交方式设置为不自动提交 * 因为每次执行一条sql语句时,数据库会帮我们自动提交 * 当批量插入的时候,这个操作会非常浪费时间,特别是提交的数据量特别大的时候 */ connection.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "insert into goods(name) value(?)"; PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); for(int i = 1;i <= 20000;i++){ ps.setString(1, "name_"+i); //由于每次传来一条sql语句都一一执行比较浪费时间 //下面这个操作会为我们攒一些sql语句,攒够一定数量的时候再提交,会节省一些时间 ps.addBatch(); if(i % 500 == 0){ //当攒够500条数据时,提交 ps.executeBatch(); //因为之前攒的数据已经提交了,现在要清除缓存,清空之前攒的数据 ps.clearBatch(); } } connection.commit(); }
